Unique Projects
“Empower unemployed mothers through Enterprise Development so that they can become financially and socially independent” -Tracey Chambers, CEO
MFA is a joint project by TCB and TBPP
Winners of The Power of Small: Entrepreneurs Strengthening Local Economies (SAP)
MFA catalyses franchise opportunities to empower self- employed, low-income individuals to build viable micro franchise business solutions and drive growth in SMME Sector
Unique Projects
“To build an extensive network of Save-It outlets throughout the country creating a trusted national brand offering quality, affordability and convenience.”
Refurbishing, equipping and rebranding selected Spaza shops as Save-It stores The Save it Model
Building an extensive network of Save-It stores The Save it Model
Equipping Save-It stores to sell basic foodstuffs The Save it Model
Providing access to a supply chain which gives Spaza Shops a competitive pricing advantage. The Save it Model
Empowering and enabling Save-It Spazas through training, merchandising, motivating, and offering delivery services The Save it Model
Actively engaging in development work in the communities within which Save-It stores operates through a non profit company which owns 30% of the shares in Save-It. This builds a strong community presence and credibility. The Save it Model
Unique Projects
“To provide a community owned and based workplace skills development training centres and provides sustainable job creation for the locally unemployed youth.”
South Africa’s first retail and social entrepreneurial business incubator and training centre. Bloekombos Project
The centre will train aspiring entrepreneurs in the retail food business bringing much needed business expertise and experience to the semi skilled and unemployed youth of the area. Bloekombos Project