SOCIAL SKILLS IN INFANT EDUCATION Social skills in infant education are a group of capacities that allow develop some actions and behaviors. These contribute to people to come across in an efficient way related to social context. These skills are made up of a wide range of ideas, feelings, believe and values which are the result of learning and experience. It is basic to pay special attention to the development of social skills, since, they are essential so that children can adapt to the environment where their lives take place. And then, these skills will provide to them the tools they will need to cope with the social adult stage, being the key to survive emotionally and in terms of working in a healthy way.
DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SKILLS IN THE FIRST YEARS The development of social skills is fundamental to answer a series of necessities that are brought up in the education of children. Social skills are related to the cognitive development and some types of learning, and make up a key element to the socialization of children. In infant development, social skills will do that a child mixes with their partners, that he/she expresses his/her ideas, emotions and opinions and that the independence and autonomy process start. Social interaction strategies and personal autonomy abilities must be developed in the work of social skills.
Social competences are learnt and developed for the whole process of socialization, as a result of interaction with other people. This development is produced basically in the infant stage, the first years are very important for the learning of these skills. They are learnt and developed through the next process: - Direct experience - Imitation - Reinforcement
Listening what people have to say to him/her and answer the questions. When the child speaks, he or she expresses what he/she is feeling or thinking. The child is respectful and kind when they are with adults and with other children. Starting conversations. Respecting the turn when talking. Looking at the people´s eyes when the child is talking to.
Responding properly to the emotions and positive feelings that the rest of the people have (happiness, greetings…) Expressing and defending their own opinions. Expressing own positive things in front of other people.
Trying to find fair solutions for a problem among several people. When the child has a problem with a partner, he or she is able to put him/herself in others shoes, trying to find solutions. Facing a problem, trying to find and create different solutions. Facing a problem with other partner, establishing the causes that have originated it.
GUIDE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SKILLS IN INFANT EDUCACIO N 1. Taking care of children´s self-esteem. Helping them to form a positive image about themselves. They will have strength to develop themselves in a social way and not to blame themselves for those situations that are not positive for them. For that purpose, criticizing the action and not the person: suggesting to them appropriate goals, by using praises but realistic ones. 2. Transmitting values to children. They must learn to appreciate themselves and the others. Teach them to respect, to put up with others and listen to. 3. Being an example for them. Acting in a coherent way transmitting what you want them to do when you are with them.
4. Talking to them and working the ideas and believes they have. Explaining the situation when you are talking about a social situation, helping them to understand. 5. Encouraging the capacity of listening and understanding the others. To get that, listening to them and teaching them to listen to others. 6. Using reinforcement. Reinforcing that appropriate behavior,as listening to others or answering in a polite way. In those cases we interact socially with the children and reinforce in a negative way the inappropriate behaviors: shouts, lack of attention, and so on. Do not interact with them in these cases.
7. Trying to give children a rich environment about relationship. It is important for children to have different social experiences so that they can test, learn and lose fear to different situations. 8. Encouraging children to participate in different groups or doing activities with other people, without your presence. It is important that children can learn to manage by their own, without the protection of adults. 9. When children suffer from some social situation where they are pushed away or in some negative situations, they must learn about them but you must explain to them the situation.
ASSESSMENT TOOLS Direct observation Scales and questionnaires. Interviews with parents. At school we work these skills with daily activities that allow children to achieve more autonomy, developing their capacities and acceptation by others.