JAMES HERBERT BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL COURSE OFFERINGS Career, Business, Internships Multimedia,Technology Education and Engineering
Technology Education and Engineering Multimedia and Computer Science Business Education Child Development College & Career Development Internships EduCorps School Year Course Offerings
CHILD DEVELOPMENT Ms. Kauffman Look What’s New – Advanced level Child Development Classes
Work in the child care industry. Teach pre-K thru college Be a trainer or educator in industry. Go into law, sociology, psychology, nursing or medicine or any field related to children. Future parents WHO TAKES CHILD DEVELOPMENT? ANYONE! I want to
Developmental psychology Exposure to children and teaching your own lesson plans Learning to work in groups and developing leadership skills “Authentic” -Teaching real 3 to 5 year old children. New addition of advanced level CD2, CD3 and internship. CHILD & ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION PATHWAY 4 COURSES TAKEN 10 TH -12 TH GRADE 6 weeks training on how to teach content. Seminars about physical, social, emotional and intellectual development and topics related to children. Having FUN!-all work in class without homework. Tell me more…..
Designed for students in grades 11 and 12 with a GPA of 2.5 or higher Students are assigned to work with a teacher for tutoring or assisting with instruction. Students receive a grade and 30 SSL hours EduCorps Coordinator: Mrs. Shepherd B223 EDUCORPS BECOMING TOMORROWS TEACHERS Ms. Shepherd.
College and Career Research and Development College and Career Seminar Site Based Work Experience COLLEGE & CAREER DEVELOPMENT Ms. Gleason
College/Career Seminar – Class 8065/8066 Site Based Work Experience (SBWE) 5441/5442 – Double period working in the community Earn Money and get an education at the same time. $
Perform a Career Exploration Project before you decide on a college major Types of Internships – Single Period – Double Period – Triple Period INTERNSHIPS Where are you interested? Education – Health Care – Theatre – Physical Therapy – Veterinary Medicine – Law Offices – Accountants – Realtors – Graphic Arts – Marketing - Business Factoid: 58 percent of interns ended up being hired full-time 40 percent of new entry-level hires come from internship and co- op programs Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers
Technology Education and Engineering Multimedia and Computer Science Business Education Child Development College & Career Development Internships EduCorps School Year Course Offerings