Sustainability in Southern Africa Conservation Partnerships (SACP)
Presentation outline WWF Vision for SACP Challenges to CBNRM in Southern Africa Opportunities for CBNRM in Southern Africa SACP Framework and Implementation Strategy Main SACP activities Conclusion
Vision New and strengthened partnerships for enhanced CBNRM programming and implementation in Southern Africa
Challenges to CBNRM in Southern Africa Need For Policy-Maker Paradigm Shift Towards Wildlife and Tourism Lack of Awareness of CBNRM Impacts CBNRM Is Not Institutionalized In Tertiary Level Education Institutions, and even most government conservation departments Lack of CBO Capacity CBNRM Dynamism Requires Continual Growth And Development Need For Improved Sharing and Dissemination of Successful CBNRM Practices Regionally and With A Wider Set of Complementary Stakeholders Address CBNRM Sustainability Barriers
Opportunities Existence of Regional CBNRM Forum and various country Fora Existence of related regional partnerships, e.g SASUSG, PhytoTrade Africa, Emerging and existing TFCAs, Shared river basin fora Supportive policies and laws at country levels Success stories and champions at country levels Implementing and supporting institutions exist at country levels Evolutionary nature of CBNRM
Strategic Objectives Innovative new partnerships to secure sustainable conservation of community managed resources and biodiversity Strengthened local and regional capacity to consolidate, accrue, share and apply lessons learned on CBNRM and biodiversity programming
Intermediate results Strengthened transnational network to implement sustainable CBNRM using best practices New partnerships and resources leveraged to support sustainable CBNRM Active learning process to continually update CBNRM knowledge Policy and institutional reforms to increase incentives and reduce barriers
National CBNRM Program Various Southern African Countries with CBNRM projects and service providers Develop NEW Cutting Edge CBNRM Tools Sub-Regional Level – Caprivi Hub National Level - Namibia Regional Level – SDAC Countries NAMIBIA CBNRM BEST PRACTICES Pilot-Test Exsisting & New CBNRM Tools Regionally Share CBNRM Best Practices Through Existing and New CBNRM Networks Transboundary Caprivi CBNRM Node SW Zambia N Botswana Caprivi SE Angola Sharing and Twinning CBNRM implemention at sub-regional level WWF to work through existing and new partnerships, i.e. IRDNC (existing), WWF Zambia (new), etc WWF to work through existing and new partnerships, i.e. WWF SARPO Regional Network Project (existing) CBNRM HED University Support Network (new), C-Change Project (new), etc Sustainability in Southern Africa Conservation Partnerships Project Service Providers National CBNRM Program National CBNRM Program
Regional Level Geographical Focus covers all SADC countries with a CBNRM programme Sub-Regional Level Geographical Focus
Strengthened transnational network SADC Regional CBNRM networking ◦ Regional CBNRM capacity building project ◦ Higher Education Development Initiative ◦ Phytotrade Africa Subregional CBNRM networking ◦ Caprivi CBNRM Node National CBNRM networking ◦ Namibia Conservancy Association network
New partnerships and resources Model for innovative long-term CBNRM conservation finance Transboundary relationships between conservation CBOs in Caprivi CBNRM Node CBO/Private sector partnerships expanded CBO leadership strengthened
Active learning process Regional CBNRM stocktaking assessment Regional assessment of CBNRM impacts on gender equity CBO governance MOMS Regional CBNRM conference Regional knowledge management mechanism
Policy and institutional reforms Enabling CBNRM policy environment CBNRM policy index tool to gauge viability of CBNRM enabling environment Angolan policy makers study tour to Namibia Impacts study on preferential market access to livestock vs wildlife and tourism as land use options Influencing CBNRM policy through pilot demonstration activities
Conclusion Opportunities for CBNRM in Southern Africa provide fertile grounds for SACP to succeed on Challenges being addressed through workplan and all other possible means No shortage of partners/networks to draw on to implement common activities Common goal for enhancing CBNRM in Southern Africa