LO – To be able to identify some 2d shapes and list their properties. Pass the bomb.
Work in your numbered groups of 4. As each new shape picture appears you need to say what properties it has. To take turns as you pass the bomb (beanbag) around the group. Each person has to state one property of the shape shown on the screen - try not to repeat properties. Keep going until the bomb sound effect goes off. The person left holding the bomb gets a point. The winner is the person with the lowest point score. For the first game number 1’s will keep the score and have the final say on who was last holding the bomb! (We will swap roles in the next game) Use the next screen to remind you of some of the words you may use. How to play pass the bomb.
2d shape edges sides lines of symmetry corners right angle Straight
Right angled triangle
equilateral triangle
Isosceles triangle
End of game