The Criteria
Criterion A: Content (Receptive and Productive) Criterion B: Organisation Criterion C: Style and Language Mechanics You can achieve a maximum of 10 for each criterion. They are added together to give your child a final mark out of 30.
307H 143H297M 133M+287L 123M276H 113L+266M+ 103L256M 92H246L 82M+235H 72M225M+ 62L+215M 52L205L 41H194H 31M+184M+ 21M174M 11L+164L+ 01L154L
Criterion A assess your child’s ability to: Understand and analyse language, content, structure, meaning and significance of both familiar and previously unseen oral, written and visual texts. Compare and contrast works, and connect themes across and within genres. Analyse the effects of the author’s choices on an audience. Express an informed and independent response to literary and non-literary texts. Apply language A terminology in context. Compose pieces that apply appropriate literary and/or non-literary features to serve the context and intention.
Criterion B assess your child’s ability to: Create work that employs organizational structures and language-specific conventions throughout a variety of text types. Organize ideas and arguments in a sustained, coherent and logical manner. Employ appropriate critical apparatus.
Criterion C assess your child’s ability to: Use appropriate and varied register, vocabulary and idiom. Use correct grammar and syntax. Use appropriate and varied sentence structure. Use correct spelling/writing. Use language to narrate, describe, analyse, explain, argue, persuade, inform, entertain and express feelings. Use language accurately.
Grade 10 Criteria/Rubrics are set. (only)Task specific modification for Grade 10. The Criteria is stepped for Grades 6 through 9.
7-8 The student consistently employs organizational structures and language specific conventions that serve the context and intention. The work is usually well-organized, clear and coherent and the ideas being expressed build on each other. The student employs critical apparatus correctly The student consistently employs sophisticated organizational structures and language-specific conventions that serve the context and intention. The work is consistently well-organized, clear and coherent and the ideas being expressed build on each other in a sophisticated manner. The student integrates critical apparatus correctly and effectively.
7-8 Ideas organised by clustering related points or by time sequence. (S1) Ideas are organised simply with a fitting opening and closing, sometimes linked. (S1) Ideas or materials generally in logical sequence but overall direction of writing not always clearly signalled. (S1) Paragraphs/ sections help to organise content, e.g. main idea usually supported or elaborated by following sentences. (S2) Within paragraphs/ sections, limited range of connections between sentences, e.g. overuse of ‘also’ or pronouns. (S2) Some attempts to establish simple links between paragraphs/ sections not always maintained, e.g. firstly, next. (S2) 9-10 Material is structured clearly, with sentences organised into appropriate paragraphs. (S1) Development of material is effectively managed across text, e.g. closings refer back to openings (S1) Overall direction of the text supported by clear links between paragraphs. (S1) Paragraphs clearly structure main ideas across text to support purpose, e.g. clear chronological or logical links between paragraphs. (S2) Within paragraphs/ sections, a range of devices support cohesion, e.g. secure use of pronouns, connectives, references back to text. (S2) Links between paragraphs/ sections generally maintained across whole text. (S2)