Integrating CS/PB into the CPD
Results Frameworks and M&E PB results frameworks and M&E must build on conflict analysis and programming for change Types of indicators: Process, Quantitative and Qualitative Often long-term perspectives, multi-sectoral Country specific existing plans or frameworks UNICEF contributes towards. Use of indicators for measuring conflict sensitivity Link to country office existing M&E frameworks and MORES Programme requires country specific indicators with potential for aggregation
M&E Framework PBF Overall goal: Post-conflict societies manage risks of internal conflicts peacefully through enhanced inclusive policy dialogue and commitment (actions) to peaceful coexistence Result 1: Security sector reforms and judiciary systems Result 2: Conflict resolution and management for coexistence Result 3: Youth, women and other marginalised groups are catalyst for peace and econ recovery Results 4: Essential functions of government – peace dividends
Example UNICEF Country Programme PCR By 2016, increased capacities at the national and subnational levels to support peacebuilding and more peaceful conditions for children IR and Indicators Youth equipped to play a more active role in peacebuilding at the community level # youth with skills in conflict management and resolution, group work, volunteerism, community development and project management by (date) % reduction of violent incidents involving youth in x communities by (date) # youth with improved perceptions about conflict and violence in communities and their future by (date) # members in community x with improved perception of youth
Linking with MoRES Enhanced focus on equity = better management for results Conceptual framework for effective planning, programming, implementation, monitoring and managing for results to achieve desired outcomes for the most disadvantaged children. Data and evidence in advocacy and programming Links between equity and peacebuilding
MoRES levels 1.situation analysis and strategic planning 2.monitoring implementation of inputs and outputs/activities which address child deprivations 3.programme assessment/monitoring, analyses and actions 4.monitoring trends in the situation of children
MoRES determinants I) Enabling Environment 1) Societal norms 2) Policy/legal framework 3) Budget/expenditure 4) Institutional management/coordination II)Supply 5) Availability of essential materials 6) Availability of adequately staffed services, facilities and information III) Demand 7) Financial access 8) Cultural practices and beliefs 9) Continuity of use IV) Quality 10) Quality of services and goods
Exercise Develop one process, one qualitative and one quantitative indicator for your PB programme Brainstorm on data/baseline for each indicator