Communication: yesterday and today PHONE CALLS Scuola media di Mornico al Serio a.s. 2011/2012
PHONE CALLS In the past people didn’ t have a telephone so they wrote letters. This did not help them because if someone lived in another country it was very expensive. Now we have a lot of advantages from the economic and technological point. Ex -Hello, what a joy to talk with these phones, we can speak from everywhere and how long we want. You're right!!!
Today the ways to call have changed. We can use the mobile phone, skype, with a webcam you can see the other person you are in contact with and many other utilities. primadopo
Telephone in the past we called the operator and that person passed you to the one you have chosen. Now we communicate without calling the operator.
Today to talk with your friends, classmates, …we use mobile phones with touch screen and cordless. in the past there weren’t all these tools. We used to write letters or use public phones. In squares and streets there were phone boxes or we had public places with phones, such as cafès.. As we can see the communication in the past was very different from today!
PHONE CALLS A lot of years ago, we used rudimentary phones, found in a restaurant or in cafés. Antonio Meucci invented the telephone in It was a fundamental tool for communication. Now, we use different systems : phones, cordless phones and third generation phones, which allow high speed data transfer.
In the past time there weren’t phones. There were phone boxes put in the city centre. In the house we used to have a phone that was very different from today, sometimes made of wood; poor people didn’t have a phone.
In the past there weren’t telephones in the house. Today it’s very popular. We have more than one in every house. We like them so much we speak on the phone everywhere we are.
TELEPHONE In the past people used old telephones. Today we use a mobile and to call we only need to do a click. People love blackberry, apple, samsung and i- phone. The lastest generation of mobile phone. BEFORE AFTER
TELEPHONE In the past people used a fixed telephone. Now people use the mobile telephone like Black Berries, I-Phone, Samsung Galaxy S... While for the landline people must be at home with the mobile phone you can hear people everywhere.
Phone calls A lot of time ago there wasn’t the same technology of today. There were machines To write and the paper If you made some mistakes you had to do everything again.
In past there weren’t any telephones, so people met or they wrote letters to communicate. Then in 1871 Antonio Meucci invented the first telephone. But not all people had phones in their houses so there were operators and the person passed on the telephone to the chosen person. Now we communicate directly. It’s easier and quicker
In the past we didn’t have telephones and computers Today we contact by telephone and social network: Facebook, twitter etc.. For example: I control my address list to look for my friend ‘s number, he answers to an appointment to go with the other friends that are in communication in the same way.
PHONE CALLS In the past people didn’t have phones in their houses, but they went to the nearest box. Now people have mobile phone and they use them when they want. The phone was invented in 1871 by Antonio Meucci.
Phone calls The telephone was invented by Antonio Fiorentino Meucci in 1871 it was called TELETROFO. In the past to communicate with someone you had to send letters or go to a phone box Now we all have phones, computers where we can communicate quickly with no misunderstandings.
The way to talk today has changed: in the past there wasn’t a phone in every house, only a few people could afford it. You had to go into phone boxes, while now I have the cordless, with which I answer in every corner or using mobile phones I can speak wherever you are. There is also skype you can speak with everybody, everywhere in every moment. The world is inside your house
Today the telephone is a new tool. A lot of years ago there were phone boxes. Now we can do every kind of communications everywhere.
Today to communicate we send a message and we use a normal mobile phone. Almost all have a mobile phone hidden in a pocket or purse: even boys aged 11. Sometimes we have more than one. In fact it is a very useful tool if you use it in a right way If you have a problem just press one button and speak with the person you want.
Waiting for you…. Bye bye