EARLY YEARS Francisco de Goya was born March 30, 1746 in the city of Fuendetodos, Spain. Fransico moved to Madrid to work with his brothers in a art studio copying famous paintings. A Butchers Counter
MID LIFE Fransico was appointed to be the royal family's painter. In 1780 Fransico was admitted into Royal Academy of San Ferdando. Painted during Romantic Period Saturn devouring his son.
GOLDEN YEARS In 1792 Fransico de Goya became completely deaf after suffering a bad case of malady. Died in 1828
ABOUT HIS WORK De Goya painted scenes of war whenever Napoleon invaded Spain. Many of de Goya’s paintings were sad or scary. Francisco de Goya painted a group of paintings called Black Paintings because they were sad and the color tone was dark. The Third of May Black Paintings
ABOUT HIS WORK II While working with the Spanish government de Goya was also known for making tapestries. Most of these were happy and joyful getting his inspiration from the Spanish countryside before Napoleon invaded. De Goya painted many portraits configuring of the royal family of the time. Like this of Karls VI de Goya would be paid to make Paintings to show of the family. Boys climbing a tree. Family Portrait.
ABOUT HIS WORK III Francisco de Goya would not paint hands as many painters did in his era. The hands in many portraits with full body he would have the men stick their hands in their coat.
PERSPECTIVE Francisco de Goya did not paint to inspire put to enlighten friends. Pablo Picasso has cited many of his pieces of work. Francisco de Goya was very harsh with his strokes when he painted black paintings but in his tapestries he was very colorful. In his portraits de Goya would be straight up with his people including massive details.
SOURCES Blog Francisco de Goya paintings-or-are-they.html paintings-or-are-they.html Biography About his technique All about his work Biography