Lesson 3 – Online documents In this lesson we will be covering: Online documents Compression and expansion of files Advantages of using online software – collaborative working, sharing documents and automatic backup Control of documents (version control, levels of access and file permissions including read only, read/write and full control)
Internet key terms So what is meant by the following terms? Upload Download Algorithm Uploading a file on the web like a video or text A set of code to unlock a certain type of website or server Downloading a file via the internet and saving onto the computer
Learning Objectives Learning Objectives Identify a range of data storage organisations Demonstrate as a team awareness of File compression Online document collaboration Online software vs Standalone i.e. Google Docs vs Office Access Control Literacy Objective Structure and organise your writing
File Compression What is file compression? Compression means to reduce the size of a data file for example a document, spread sheet, image, sound file etc. It is a good idea to compress large files because they can take up a lot of storage space on your hard disk. They will also take a long time to send as an attachment by .
Attempt to zip a folder Try to zip a folder Simply select a folder > right click > send to > compressed zipped folder Click that You should have found the compressed folder is reduced in size
What are file permissions? Discuss and match the file permissions to the correct sentence. Now you have downloaded the presentation you should now make the match Some Operating systems allow control over who can view, modify or execute files. Additional task/ reading
File permissions Write/discuss what permissions each of these people should have. All access to the server Some access and the ability to monitor the student Limited access
Google Docs in Plain English Your are going to be using Google Docs this lesson
I will demonstrate using Google Docs
Success Criteria – online software I will put you in pairs: One of you should create a Google Doc presentation Share this with the other member of the pair Add the following headings to your presentation: File compression Online document collaboration Online software vs Standalone i.e. Google Docs vs Office Access Control Split the four areas up between your partner (each partner will research and explain two areas) Use chrome or internet explore Create a set of 5 questions that you could ask the class to test their knowledge on this topic.
Plenary Select 3 documents from your user area and compress these into file Send file to your partner When you receive file view the contents and see how these could be extracted Delete the zip files you created and downloaded
Exam Questions Edmodo You are now going to begin a range of exam style questions using Edmodo. The maximum number of marks is 10.