No Homework Practice counting to 5 Write your name 3x Draw a picture of your family using your best drawing skills. An adult can help label your picture Draw a picture about your favourite thing about your first week of school. Write a sentence below. Colour the pictures that start with the ‘s’ sound like snake. Cross out the rest. Practice writing the number 1 Practice writing upper and lower case Ss Help your family set the table and count the utensils. Draw a picture of your favourite book Count how many steps from your bed to your closet. Draw a line to match the rhyming pairs. Colour the pictures that start with the ‘a’ sound like ant. Cross out the rest. Count to 10 and back again in a squeaky voice. Practice writing upper and lower case Aa Practice writing the number 2 Clap out the names of your family members to find out how many syllables are in their names. Rainbow write your name 3x. (use as many colours as you like) Count how many windows are in your house Write the word ‘go’ 5x Read a book while wearing sunglasses Practice writing the number 3 Colour the pictures that start with the ‘t’ sound like tennis. Cross out the rest. September
Monday Sept. ___: Tuesday Sept. ____: Practice Writing your name 3x *****Hint: If your child has trouble writing independently. Use a yellow marker or highlighter for them to trace what your write. This is the first step to writing more independently. *****
Monday Sept ___: Draw a picture of your family. An adult can label your family members. Tuesday Sept ___: Draw a picture of your favourite part of your first week at school.
Monday Sept. ___: Colour the pictures that start with the ‘s’ sound like snake. Tuesday Sept. ___: Practice writing the number 1 l
Wednesday Sept. ___: Practice writing upper and lower case Ss Thursday Sept. ___: Draw a picture of your favourite book s s
Monday Sept. ___: Draw a line to match the rhyming pairs. Tuesday Sept. ___: Colour the pictures that start with the ‘a’ sound like ant. Cross out the rest.
Wednesday Sept. ___: Practice writing upper and lower case Aa Thursday Sept. ___: Practice writing the number 2 A 2
Monday Sept. ___: Rainbow write your name 3x Tuesday Sept. ___: Write the word ‘go’ 5x.
Wednesday Sept. ___: Practice writing the number 3 Thursday Sept. ___: Colour the pictures that start with the ‘t’ sound like tennis. 3
Monday Sept. ___: Tuesday Sept. ___:
Wednesday Sept. ___: Thursday Sept. ___: