EAGLE College Prep Title 1 Schoolwide Plan
Title I
Overview of Title 1 Mission: To support the implementation of Arizona's System of School Support in order to impact teaching and learning in K-12 classrooms so that educationally disadvantaged students achieve high academic success. Program: Title I, under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), provides financial assistance to local educational agencies to meet the needs of special educationally disadvantaged children at preschool, elementary, and secondary school levels. The purpose of Title I is to help all children achieve the state's academic standards. This is accomplished through supplemental programs that consist of instructional services, instructional support services, school wide reform efforts, and increased involvement of parents in their children's education. - Arizona Department of Education - Arizona Department of Education
Process Establish a Title 1 Schoolwide planning team Over the course of one year: ▫Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment relating to curriculum and instruction, professional development, family/community involvement, and school organization (mission/vision) ▫Set SMART (Strategic & Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-based, Timebound) goals ▫Create a comprehensive schoolwide plan ▫Review and revise the plan annually
Title 1 Schoolwide Program school year Able to serve ALL students, not just those who perform at the very lowest levels and considered at-risk In general, schoolwide programs-- Plan for comprehensive, long-term improvement; Serve all students with highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals; Provide continuous learning for staff, parents, and the community; Use research-based practices to develop and implement enriched instruction for all students; Use inclusive approaches to strengthen the school’s organizational structure; Consolidate resources to achieve program goals; and Engage in continuous self-assessment and improvement. - Arizona Department of Education
Title 1 Team School Administrator: Heidi Simms Title 1 Reading Specialists: ▫Glenna Steiner, Audrey Gunn Teachers: Deanna Ogez, Stephanie Presnell, Marybell Garcia Parents: Susie Mendoza, Sue Mockus, Crystal Dashiell Community Member: Frederick Holley
Title 1 Reading Students who score in the lowest 10% in their grade level as measured by the NWEA MAP, i- Ready reading, Instructional Reading Level, and classroom benchmark tests will be eligible to receive Title 1 Reading services with our Title 1 Reading Specialists.
Program Objectives Success in the regular classroom program Attainment of grade level proficiency Achievement in basic and more advanced skills
Levels of Support In-Class Program ▫Differentiated Instruction ▫Teacher Assistance support ▫Tutoring Pull-Out or Push In Program ▫Early Literacy Intervention – 1 st and 2 nd Grades ▫Intermediate Literacy Intervention – 3 rd – 8 th Grades
Review Goals Title 1 Team will meet 3 times during the upcoming school year to ensure all goals and action steps are being met. Title 1 Team will review and revise the goals at the end of the school year in May/June 2014.
Title 1 Instructional Program Supplements the regular classroom instructional program Provides daily assistance in a small group Provides additional instruction in phonics/word analysis and/or comprehension skills Provides experiences with literature and written communication Accelerates student progress
Program Materials Grades 1 st – 2 nd ▫Research-Based Scientific Program – Imagine It ▫Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Comprehension, Vocabulary ▫Accelerated Reading ▫Read Well – ELL ▫Read Naturally - ELL
Program Materials Pull Out Program: 1 st and 2 nd Grades ▫Early Literacy Intervention – Reading Recovery Wilson Reading System Read Naturally Wright Group Reading Intervention Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension
Program Materials Grades 3 rd – 8 th ▫3 rd and 4 th Grades – Imagine It! ▫3 rd and 4 th Grades – Novel Units ▫5 th – 8 th Grades – Literature and Content based Novel Units ▫Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension Instruction (Phonics if needed)
Program Materials Pull Out/Push In Program: 3 rd -8 th Grades ▫Intermediate Literacy Intervention Soar to Success Wright Group Reading Intervention Reciprocal Teaching Comprehension Skills/Comprehension Toolkit Prediction, Clarifying points that are unclear, Questioning, Summarizing/Retell, Identifying and Sequencing Story Events Decoding Strategies
Evaluation Progress Monitoring ▫Fluency, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Phonics, PA Continuous and authentic Grade Level Benchmarks Instructional Reading Level Progress report to parents ▫Quarterly
Student Academic Achievement Goal During , 89% of all EAGLE scholars will meet or exceed the state standards as measured by the NWEA MAP Reading assessment and/or AIMS Reading. Grow at least one year on i-Ready reading assessment
What are Standards? Standards define what each student should know and do in a core set of subjects. They give students a solid foundation in the basics and provide consistent targets for students, teachers, and parents. When we measure student achievement against the standards, we have the ability to see how well we are performing and how much we are improving.
AIMS Information What is AIMS? ▫AIMS (Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards) is a standards-based assessment administered in all Arizona schools in the areas of reading, writing, math and science ▫Common Core - PARCC assessment beginning next year
Proficiency Levels Exceeds (E): Superior academic performance ▫Excelling work indicates an in-depth understanding and exemplary display of the skills included in the Arizona Standards Meets (M): Satisfactory academic performance ▫Proficient work indicates a solid understanding and adequate display of the skills included in the Arizona standards
Proficiency Levels Approaching (AP): Marginal academic performance ▫Approaching work indicates a partial understanding and limited display of the skills included in the Arizona standards ▫This work is approaching satisfactory performance, but has not been reached. There is need for additional instructional opportunities to achieve proficient.
Proficiency Level Falls Far Below (FFB): Inadequate academic performance ▫FFB work indicates little understanding and minimal display of the skills included in the Arizona Standards. ▫There is a major need for additional instructional opportunities and/or increased student academic commitment to achieve the proficient level.
Assessments to Measure Reading Progress Imagine It Assessments Reading Inventories Observation Survey i-Ready Reading NWEA MAP Reading Stanford 10 AIMS
Goals to Increase Parent Engagement 1.Help parents develop better parenting skills (offering classes, disseminating information about local programs) 2.All families will volunteer a minimum of 10 hours 3.Support learning at home by offering workshops teaching parents how to set up supportive learning environment at home.
Goals Continued 4.Provide parents with opportunities to give input on pertinent school issues (surveys, coffee with the principal) 5.Collaborate with the local community to find volunteers to translate during parent/teacher conferences
Parent Involvement Policy District policy review every five years Your input is important to us! ▫School Parent Involvement Policy ▫Consultation with Parents and Teachers ▫Parent Involvement Activities ▫School-Parent Commitment
Parent Commitment School/Parent/Student Commitment ▫Fosters better communication and understanding between parents and teachers and students Annual Review Meeting ▫Current parent input is vital. Please help us by sharing your ideas with the Title 1 staff.
Home – School Connection Read with and to your child Maintain contact with the classroom teacher Parent evening workshop programs Informational packets and materials for parents School/Parent Commitment EAGLE Parent Involvement Policy