WISCONSIN STATEWIDE TITLE I NETWORK CESA 4 AND THE WISCONSIN DPI Title I “Quick Start” Title I Quick-Start: New Coordinators Information.


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Presentation transcript:

WISCONSIN STATEWIDE TITLE I NETWORK CESA 4 AND THE WISCONSIN DPI Title I “Quick Start” Title I Quick-Start: New Coordinators Information

Objectives Understand the basics of Title I Part A application to students and schools; Understand the differences between Targeted Assistance and School wide Programs; Clarify some of the more common Title I questions asked by district Title I Coordinators; Network with regional colleagues and recognize “best practices.”

Today’s Agenda Key Elements of Title I Programs Needs Assessment Private School Consultation School Building EligibilitySchool Building Eligibility & Grades ServedGrades Served Program Design Monitoring Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualification Parent Involvement

Needs Assessment Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Programs each conduct universal needs assessment to identify program priorities.  Individual student assessments should be done for Targeted Assistance programs;  Schoolwide programs should still identify students who need additional support; In a Targeted Assistance model, student assessments identify individuals in rank order for supplemental instructional support. Assessments should occur in early spring in order to identify areas of need for the next fall semester. Multiple assessments should be used to identify students’ needs. Best Practice Requirements

Needs Assessments Assessments are also used to identify students who are exiting Targeted Assistance programs. Rank order of students will help determine which students are no longer eligible for Title I Targeted Assistance programs. Just as there are criteria to serve Title I students, schools need to also design criteria for students to exit Title I programs and use assessments for this purpose.

Needs Assessment Check List In the Spring:  Collect current student assessment data;  Conduct additional individual assessment (if needed);  Confer with classroom teachers;  Rank students for services; graduate students from program;  Conduct assessments in private schools and rank students for services;

Needs Assessment Check List In the Fall:  Conduct additional individual assessment (if needed);  Confer with classroom teachers;  Review/revise spring ranking of students for services (for Targeted Assistance);  Conduct assessments in private schools and rank students for services;  Update parent involvement policies and send parent compacts.

Input from Experienced Coordinators! Do’s, Don’t’s, Ideas Suggestions

Private School Consultation Districts are required to provide eligible private school children, their teachers and families, with Title I services equitable to those provided to public school children. TimelineDescription SpringHold face-to-face planning sessions with the administrator of the private school to develop a plan for service. Discuss all the ESEA Titles in this consultation and fill out forms. SummerAllocate services to private schools Fall/SpringImplement any programmatic requirements: professional development, parent compacts, and delivery of supplemental services.

Private School Consultation It is the responsibility of the student’s home district to assure that students receive equitable Title I services, even in the case of the student attending a private school in another district. The public school district provides services to the private school eligible students that are comparable to the targeted assistance/schoolwide grade span of the Title I school.

Funding State allocations are provided to DPI from the U.S. Department of Education in the spring. DPI notifies the districts when the estimate and final allocations are available. District allocations are based on the Small-Area Income Poverty Estimate and not on local free and reduced lunch numbers. The purpose of free-reduced lunch numbers is to determine building eligibility.

LEA’s District Poverty & Fund Eligibility LEA Poverty Percentage* BasicTargetedFinancial Incentive Concentrated 2%X 4.99%X 5.00%XXX 14.99%XXX 15.00%XXXX * Percentage is based on U.S. Census poverty data for entire community; not LEA free- reduced lunch data.

Determining School Eligibility There are several methods to determine eligibility. Select the best option to serve the majority of students in a district.several methods Eligible Buildings are identified by the district’s ranking of schools done every year.  This is based either on district poverty average, grade span grouping, or grade span grouping based on poverty percentage.  Districts with enrollment less than 1,000 students or those with only one school per grade span are exempt from normal ranking requirements.

District Poverty Average

Grade Span Grouping

Grade Span Grouping based on grade span percentage

35% Eligibility Rule

Less than 1000 students exemption One School per Grade Span

Student Eligibility Children are identified to be served based on the school’s Title I status/eligibility. In a Schoolwide Program, all students are eligible and services are to upgrade the whole school. In a Targeted Assistance Program, eligible participants are those who are identified as failing, or most-at-risk of failing, the State’s student academic achievement standards.

Homeless What if we have a student who is homeless attending a non-Title I school? Is that student eligible for services? Definition of homeless: Homeless" students lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and include students who…

Definition, continued.. are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement; have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings (within the meaning of section 103(a)(2)(C)); are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and are migratory and are living in circumstances described in (1) through (3) above.

Title I Program Design Targeted AssistanceSchool Wide Program Programming Instruction must supplement what is done in the regular classroom; Can be provided within or outside of the general classroom; All teachers are “Title I teachers” and all students are “Title I students”; Programming should correspond with the Title I Schoolwide plan. Student Selection Required to identify eligible students; lowest achieving students receive services. Identify based on multiple measures. Not required to identify particular children as eligible; serves all children in school, but lowest achieving must receive special attention.

Title I Program Design Targeted AssistanceSchool Wide Program Delivery of Services Students are seen either via push-in or pull-out methods and in addition to regular classroom time. Services begin the first week of classes. Services are integrated as part of the whole school instructional program. Grades Served Only the targeted and identified students are served. All students within a school designated as Schoolwide are served, such as a K-5 building. Teacher Collaboration Once students are identified, Title I and general education teachers should collaborate to best serve students’ needs. Teachers and administrators work together to plan and coordinate supplemental activities and integrate into core curriculum.

Title I Program Design Targeted AssistanceSchool Wide Program Parent Involvement and Parent Compact Parent involvement policies and parent compacts are required for students being served by Title I program. Funds can be provided for supplemental parent involvement activities. Parent involvement policies and parent compacts are required for all students. Funds can be provided for supplemental parent involvement activities. Funding Funding is provided to supplement the core instructional program for Title I students only. Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs with the aim of upgrading the entire program and helping all students achieve. Teacher & Para- professional Qualifications All teachers and paraprofessionals providing Title I instruction must be highly qualified. Reading teachers must have a 316 or 317 license. Instruction by highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals and professional development for entire staff.

Title I Monitoring Title I, a federal program, is periodically monitored. A district will receive advance notification of a monitoring visit, usually conducted in the spring. There are numerous things a Title I coordinator should be doing upfront from the beginning of the school year to guarantee compliance with Title I and/or other federal programs.

Teacher Qualifications Highly Qualified: In Wisconsin a highly qualified teacher is defined as one who meets all of the requirements of PI 34 (the teacher licensing rule) for the subjects and levels that he/she is teaching. All teachers need to be highly qualified regardless of school status; Title I teachers need to have certification as a reading teacher (316) or specialist (317)if they are teaching reading;

Paraprofessional Requirements Paraprofessionals—Any paraprofessional hired after the date the NCLB law was enacted and working in a Title I supported program must have  completed at least two years of study (48 cr) at an institution of higher education,  obtained at least an associate degree, or  met a rigorous standard of quality and be able to demonstrate knowledge of, and ability to assist in instruction in reading, writing or mathematics, or reading, writing, or math readiness. Paraprofessionals providing instruction need to be highly qualified and under the close supervision of a highly qualified teacher.

Teacher and Paraprofessional Requirements by Program Type Targeted Assistance Schools:  All Title I funds, including those used to hire teachers and paraprofessionals, must be focused on serving the children identified with an academic need in a specific core subject. Schoolwide Programs:  Allows for more flexibility in how funds are used for personnel staffing. Note: A teacher who has an emergency license from DPI CAN supervise a paraprofessional in Title I.

Parent Involvement Parent Involvement is required by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.  Parent compacts (disseminated annually) and a district and school parent involvement policy is required;  ESEA requires an annual evaluation of the district’s parent involvement.  Parents, including those of private school students and homeless students, are to be a very active participant in the planning, student achievement and assessment activities.  Districts and schools should review their parent involvement policy annually.

Parent Involvement  Mark your calendars…  Winter Coordinators’ Meeting: Family Involvement Toolkit Exploration


Resources Student Assessment and Identification:  Wisconsin Title I Guidelines Wisconsin Title I Guidelines  Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance brochures (DPI Pubs) Parent Involvement:  Beyond the Bake Sale Beyond the Bake Sale  CREATE CREATE  DPI Community Learning and Partnership TeamCommunity Learning and Partnership Team  Parents Plus Parents Plus  School, Family and Community Partnerships, Joyce Epstein School, Family and Community Partnerships  Statewide Title I Network Parent Involvement Tooklit What Works Clearing House

Resources Private School Consultation  DPI Bulletin Private School Student and Educator Participation in ESEA/NCLB DPI Bulletin Highly Qualified Teachers  DPI Bulletin ESEA Provision for Highly Qualified Teachers DPI Bulletin Paraprofessionals  DPI Bulletin Paraprofessional Requirements: Frequently Asked Questions DPI Bulletin  DPI Bulletin Requirements for Paraprofessionals DPI Bulletin 02.03

Resources Wisconsin Title I Guidelines Wisconsin State Reading Association Wisconsin Title I Association CESA 4 Website, Title I page