This Power Point is intended as a starting place to tell about your school’s Title I program. It could be used at the annual Title I meeting, put on a timed loop to play at an open house or during registration time, or printed off as an overview of your school’s Title I program for families, teachers, Title I advisory group, school board, etc. The topics and their order are suggestions as to what you might include in your presentation. There are a number of additional topics that might be included in this document. Photos of your school building and students will increase the attention of your audience. If you are really comfortable with the technology, you might even include video clips in this presentation. Make sure that you have written permission from families to include their child’s photo in your presentation. Don’t forget to delete this slide before presenting your completed Power Point. If you have questions of comments contact the State Title I Office, Iowa Department of Education at (515) 281-
Welcome to Title I Reading Night! Anytown Elementary School Date
My name is Tell something about yourself here Put your picture to the right
Agenda Inform the parents of the school’s participation in Title I Explain the requirements of the Title I program Description and explanation of the forms of academic assessment used Explain how a student becomes eligible for services and exiting the program Timely information about the Title I program Description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school Proficiency levels students are expected to meet
What is Title I Reading? Title I Reading is a supplemental reading program that serves students in grades... Students in Title I are included in the regular classroom for reading and language arts, just like always.
What is Title I Reading? Students in Title I receive extra instruction and support in developing reading skills and strategies. Our goal is to...
What is Title I Reading? Title I Reading focuses on the five essential components of reading instruction Phonemic awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Reading comprehension
Selection for Title I Reading Assessment 1 Assessment 2
Selection for Title I Reading Assessment 3 Assessment 4
Selection for Title I Reading Teacher and parent recommendations
Selection for Title I Reading Why your child may have been selected for Title I Reading support Below average score on two or more assessments Additional support needed
Exiting the Title I Program Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3
What happens during Title I Reading Time? Two to # students come to Title I 3/4/5 times per week for # minute periods. Instruction is provided to complement and support reading instruction in the classroom.
What happens during Title I Reading Time? For example, if the 2nd graders are working on ___ in the room, then the Title I students will be ___
What happens during Title I Reading Time? If third grade students are reading about ___, then the Title I students might be reading _____
What happens during Title I Reading Time? Throughout the year, Title I students will be learning: a b c etc.
What happens during Title I Reading Time?
How parents can help List items from Parent School Compact
How parents can help Read with and to your child Contact the classroom teacher or Title I teacher if you have questions or concerns Other
Plans for Parents and Reading Computer night for Kids and Parents (school’s online grades/ /resources) Student Performance Night - date (reader’s theater night) Family Games Night -date
How to Contact Us Notes from home or on Homework folder Call school:
Any Questions?
How to Contact Us Notes from home or on Homework folder Call school: