Intergovernmental Network on Atmospheric Pollution Objectives of the Intergovernmental Network on Atmospheric Pollution: –Promote the exchange of research and information on air quality management –Harmonize national air quality management legislation, standards, monitoring procedures, and data management procedures –Facilitate cooperation in the development of common priorities and strategies –Explore the synergies and co-benefits of taking joint measures against the emission of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases Nomination of national focal points
Objetivos de la Red Intergubernamental Modalities of cooperation: –the Network should become a platform for the articulation of regional priorities and the preparation of joint strategies and programmes on key issues of common concern –priorities for the Action Plan should be set periodically by the Forum of Ministers of the Environment –the Secretariat should be provided by the UNEP Regional Office Intergovernmental Network on Atmospheric Pollution
Objetivos de la Red Intergubernamental Structure of the suggested Framework Agreement Framework Agreement Main target of intervention Regional governance (1)Regional cooperation, (2)National and regional environmental governance, (8) Public participation in atmospheric management, (9) Capacity building and research & development Sectoral priorities (3) Transport sector, (4) Urban planning and management, (5) Point and area sources, (6) Forest fire, uncontrolled burning, and deforestation, (7) Indoor air pollution,
Objetivos de la Red Intergubernamental Variations in information and resources across the region - need for a regional information base Development of a Regional Policy Framework, to provide officials with the guidance and mandate and be a basis for mobilising the support of other stakeholders Integrating Climate and Pollution: the Role of SLCFs: ‘co-benefits’ should be a key theme of the atmospheric pollution strategy and the action plan should be effectively linked to national and regional climate programmes Ministerial Guidance on Policy Priorities Formulation of Action Plan
Objetivos de la Red Intergubernamental Global assessment undertaken by UNEP has indicated that the so-called Short-Lived Climate Forcers (SLCFs) – black carbon, methane and ozone – both have major impacts on health and crops and also account in total for nearly as much global warming as CO 2 Meeting carried out in Mexico (September 2011) and report launched at the COP17 in Durban Major role in Action Plans for controlling atmospheric pollution in the LAC region Assessment on SLCFs
Objetivos de la Red Intergubernamental Air Quality Monitoring Study – Asuncion, Paraguay, developed Action Plan for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles with the PCFV and presented to Congress in 2011 Fuels and Vehicles – Chile, UNEP national support through the GFEI for clean and efficient vehicles policies including fuel economy labelling, a baseline study on vehicle market environmental trends focused on local pollutants (NOx and PM) and CO 2 / fuel consumption and a fee-bate proposal of incentives for low emission and fuel efficient vehicles in 2010/2011 Regional and National Trainings with the UNEP Clean Fleet Management Tool – 70+ organizations from 16 countries in LAC UNEP support to sustainable transport and atmospheric pollution initiatives
Objetivos de la Red Intergubernamental Continue work on the elaboration of an Action Plan, with the aim of presenting it to Ministers for approval at the next Meeting of the Forum. Participate in a collective exercise to assemble and review information and resources for monitoring and assessing atmospheric pollution impacts. Encourage the development of national Action Plans and regional strategies on atmospheric emissions including SLCFs. Strengthen work on fuel quality and emission standards from transport-related sources. Recommendations to the Forum of Ministers
Objetivos de la Red Intergubernamental Prepare a draft Ministerial Statement on Atmospheric pollution problems of the region. Strengthen the institutional areas responsible for atmospheric pollution. Promote the public-private dialogue and the role of all sectors. Request technical, financial and capacity support from relevant financial, international cooperation agencies and donors. Recommendations to the Forum of Ministers