Standards Based Grading An overview
A little bit of history… Developed to align with laws and policies Measures against a uniform standard Provide a consistent grading scale
Not like the old way… Not an ABC conversion…. Not an ABC conversion…. 4 does not equal A 3* does not equal B 3 does not equal C 2 does not equal D 1 does not equal F
Student Performance Levels Level 4: Extends targeted grade level standards Level 4: Extends targeted grade level standards Level 3*: Demonstrates proficiency of targeted grade level standards with evidence of application Level 3*: Demonstrates proficiency of targeted grade level standards with evidence of application Level 3: Demonstrates proficiency of targeted grade level standard Level 3: Demonstrates proficiency of targeted grade level standard
Student Performance Levels Level 2: Inconsistent and needs support to meet targeted grade level standards Level 2: Inconsistent and needs support to meet targeted grade level standards Level 1: Insufficient performance of targeted grade level standards with support Level 1: Insufficient performance of targeted grade level standards with support
From A Child’s Perspective 1I don’t get it 2I almost have it but I need some help 3I got it 3*I got it and can use it…I got it and can keep it 4I’m an expert…I know it, can use it in new ways, and want to know more
The Hamburger Rubric 1 Student needs reteaching and extra support to understand what is required to meet the standard. 2 Student has added some “meat” to his/her understanding of the concept and/or performance. With some revision, this work can meet standard. 3 Student has demonstrated proficiency. He/she understands the concept and has met performance requirements. This work meets the standard. 4 Student demonstrates understanding and performance beyond proficiency and has exceeded the standard. Getting Started Work In Progress Standard Work Deluxe Work
Work habits and conduct 3: meets expectations 2: inconsistently meets expectations 1: does not meet expectations
Conclusion The new report card and grading system increases a teacher’s ability to communicate with the student and parent about the student’s success in meeting the state standards for that grade. The new report card and grading system increases a teacher’s ability to communicate with the student and parent about the student’s success in meeting the state standards for that grade.