Welcome to Second Grade!
Second Grade Team Shelly Alley Kristin Cullen Kathleen MacLaren Katie McSween Tracy Prickett Tracy Rickert Monica Spray
Daily Take-Home Folders Daily folders serve as a communication tool and a way to track student behavior. Calendar – please check daily Reading Log – 100 minutes per week! Math Log – 40 minutes per week
Math Log Twice each grading period, students will be given a timed math facts test. Students who show proficiency (90%) will not be responsible for the math log for the remainder of the grading period.
Homework In addition to the reading and math logs, students will be responsible for: Spelling Math practice pages
Grading Policy Progress reports – Every 3rd week, parents will receive communication from the school. Correct and return – On daily class work, if your child receives less than 70, they are given a chance to “correct and return” the assignment for a grade of 75. On assessments, ALL students are given an opportunity to retake at school for full credit.
Grading Language Arts- spelling tests, reading log (10%) daily work (30%) assessments (60%) Science, Social Studies and Health- all work weighted equally
Math Daily Work: Begins with a unit pre-assessment Happens while students are forming their knowledge Will not be scored because students are not at mastery level at this time Will include descriptive feedback It will be essential for you to go over this feedback with your child Will be used by the teachers to make instructional decisions as well as build intervention groups
Math Tests: Will be scored and entered in the grade book Will be used to chart growth from the pre- assessment Every student will be able to retake as many times as necessary to show mastery.
Math As we begin to modify and improve upon our assessment practices, we can make you these promises: Your child will continue to experience high quality learning. We will continue to provide you with good information about your child's learning and progress...it may look different, but it will be good information. We will ask for your feedback at the end of this process.
Keyboarding Starting next week, we will have six weeks of daily keyboarding practice. Please encourage your child to use home row keys when typing at home.
A Few Key Reminders
Lunch Purchase hot lunches in advance through the cafeteria if possible. You may send in a check, cash or you can go online and add to a students account at If anyone other than a parent or guardian would like to eat with a student, a note must be provided to the office in advance.
Absences Call the office on the day of the absence by 10 a.m. Send a written note to the teacher when your child returns to school.
2 nd Grade T-Shirt Sending home tomorrow Due Wednesday, September 15 Youth- $5.35 Adult- $5.60 (s-xl) $7.10 (xxl) Checks made to Hawk Elementary
Field Trips Sharkarosa- Thursday, October 14 One parent per class (homeroom parent) Please wear 2 nd grade t-shirt or green shirt Please bring sack lunch Clear Creek- Thursday, May 12 No limit for parents
Let’s Have a Great Year!