INTRODUCTORY ORGANIC CHEMISTRY University of Victoria CHEM 231 INTRODUCTORY ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Course website (postings of course information, midterm test dates and locations, course handouts, WileyPlus information, important announcements, etc) Pre-requisite: Chem 101 or Chem 150 (or equivalent). Objectives Learn basic concepts in organic chemistry that explain the properties of organic molecules: how and why they react, and how they are synthesized. We will apply these objectives to alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols, and ethers. The course will also develop an appreciation and basic knowledge of where and how organic chemistry impacts us in everyday life. Website for online quizzes using WileyPlus Detailed information will be provided in class on how to access the WileyPlus website. © Peter Wan 2014
WileyPlus Purchase of WileyPlus is required to access the online quizzes for this course. We have negotiated a discounted package price that also includes the e-text, e-solutions manual, and the lecture book. There are 7 online quizzes that covers the major chapters of this course. It is worth a total of 7% of your course mark. The quizzes can be written anytime before the end of the last day of classes. The online quizzes should be regarded as minimal preparation for this course. You should also do the assigned problems, past midterms and final exams, etc. Plan ahead: no excuse will be accepted for failure to complete the quizzes by the end of the term. WileyPlus is also more than a place to do your quizzes. It has extensive resources such as the e-text, video presentations, sample lectures, worked out problems, etc. Check it out! Your access code for WileyPlus is good for one academic year. You can use the same code for Chem 232 in Jan or May 2015.
Learning Organic Chemistry It is not possible to learn every facet of organic chemistry. 2. Persistence, repetition, and practice are necessary. You may not understand it the first time. Do the assigned problems. 3. Some problems in organic chemistry have exact solutions; others have more than one correct answer. 4. Organic chemistry is based on a relatively small number of basic principles. Difficulty arises due to DIVERSITY of structures and reactions. 5. The aim is to teach you to recognize, understand, manipulate, and build organic compounds. DRAWING molecules in one form or another is essential. 6. The 3D nature of molecules (STEREOCHEMISTRY) present one challenging aspect of organic chemistry. A molecular model set will help immensely.
Examples of Important Organic Materials Pharmaceuticals Some important examples: Lipitor, Tamiflu, Ibuprofen Aspirin, Allegra, AZT, Cialis Celebrex, Risperidone, Singulair L-DOPA*, Fentanyl, Insulin*, Morphine* Oral contraceptives, Prozac, Quinine* Tagamet, Taxol*, Viagra (* naturally occurring) Polymers polycarbonate polyethylene, PVC polyacetylene, polypyrrole, polythiophenes Nylon, Teflon, Kevlar, Nomex Illicit Drugs Methamphetamine, Ecstasy, Cocaine, LSD, Mescaline, Heroin, Morphine, GHB, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Miscellaneous Sunscreens, anti-oxidants, nutritional supplements, sugar and fat substitutes, alcohol, nicotine, paints and coatings, liquid crystals, OLED, gasoline, biofuels, natural gas, PCBs, dioxins
Relevance of some simple organic compounds (from web) (from Solomons)
1. Structures 2. Reactions Mechanisms Synthesis Organic Chemistry can be conveniently divided into four main subtopics: 1. Structures 2. Reactions Mechanisms Synthesis
What do you need to remember from Chem 101? The Octet (8) Rule for Lewis Structures Valence electrons: 3 4 5 6 7 (from Solomons)
Molecular structure of ethylene Drawing resonance structures 1. THE BASICS. Bonding and Molecular Structure. (approx. lecture time: 1.5 hr) Topics covered: 1.1-1.8, 1.10, 1.12-1.17. Molecular structure of ethylene Drawing resonance structures
The Structure of Ethane
The Structure of Ethylene
Cis-Trans Isomerism An example of stereoisomerism (stereoisomers have the same molecular formula and same bond connectivity but differ in the arrangement of atoms in space)
Formal Charges
Resonance Structures Organic compounds can have more than one valid Lewis structure. All such structures (called resonance structures) must be considered in order to better understand its true electronic structure. “move only non-bonding electrons and electrons in bonds to adjacent positions” contributes more contributes less
Drawing Molecules
Perspective Formula How to show 3D information using 2D representation: You need to use lines and wedges (solid and hashed) Some students have difficulty seeing these structures in 3D space. This is when you should begin to use your molecular models. 17