Ancient Greece Historical and cultural background
Introduction „Craddle“ of western civilization Influenced: ◦ Architecture ◦ Art ◦ Science ◦ Culture
Architecture - Columns DorianIonianCorinthian -Capitol - Shaft - Base (bottom of the column)
Architecture - Temples They were built to worship Gods Early temples had massive pillars Later they appear more elegant
Architecture - Temples Parthenon
Architecture - Parthenon Dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena Its construction began in 447 BC and was completed in 438 BC The Parthenon is peak of Dorian order This is the most important and perfectly formed temple on the acropolis
Architecture – Nike temple
Nike means "victory" in Greek Great example of Ionic temple It is also part of the Acropolis in Athens
Architecture - Acropolis
Art - Sculptures Greeks emphasized the individual They excelled at portraying the human form There are 2 forms of Sculptures ◦ Kouros (young man) ◦ Kore (young woman)
Kouros Kore
Art - Sculptures They also portrayed Gods and Goddesses - Myrons Athena Praxiteles Hermes -
Art - Paintings Greeks painted murals Paintings survived only on vases (also called amphoras) They displayed everyday themes
Science Connected with: ◦ Mathematics ◦ Architecture ◦ Astronomy ◦ Medicine ◦ Technology
Culture Olympic games (emphasized individuals) Dramas and Theaters (only twice a year) Philosophers Literature Music
Music Comes from the Muses – Daughters of Zeus Very wide usage: ◦ Marriages ◦ Funerals ◦ Religious ceremonies ◦ Staged dramas
Musical instruments Stringed musical instruments: ◦ Lyre ◦ Kithara
Musical instruments Pipes: ◦ Aulos ◦ Pan pipes
Musical instruments Hydraulis – Water (driven) pipe (instrument) It converted the energy of water into air pressure
Musical modes Were changed through the ages They were often used in Church music Modern form has 7 modes: ◦ Ionian ◦ Dorian ◦ Phrygian ◦ Lydian ◦ Myxolydian ◦ Aeolian ◦ Locrian
Musical modes Dorian ◦ Minor type feeling ◦ Used in Folk and Jazz ◦ „Drunken Sailor“
Musical modes Myxolydian ◦ Major type feeling ◦ Used in Jazz, Blues, Pop music ◦ „Sweet child of mine“
Musical modes Lydian ◦ Major but mysterious type feeling ◦ Used in Jazz, Art rock ◦ „Flying in a blue dream“