Plate Tectonics Quiz The oh so scary Quiz of Doom! By: Angela Ouellette
1. What is Pangaea? A. A piece of land east of Hawaii. B. Pangaea was a supercontinent that contained all the land. C.A type of pie made with strawberry filling. D. the idea that all the land is in different sections.
2. Which does not contain evidence that supports the theory? A. Animals B. Fossils C. Climate D. Landforms
3. What is the process of sea-floor spreading? A. process that continually adds new material to the ocean floor. B. Process by which the continents move. C. The process that makes the pieces fit together. D. the ability for the land to come together.
4. What is the theory of plate tectonics? A. pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in constant, slow motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle. B. The continents were at one time connected as a super continent. C. The plates are in constant motion, continuously making mountains. D. The plates are moving toward one another to eventually make a super continent.
5. Which is not a type of plate boundary? A. Convergent B. Transvergent C. Divergent D. Transform
6.What happens at the mid-ocean ridge? A. material rises from the mantle and erupts, it spreads out and pushed the new material passed the old. B. material rises from the mantle and erupts. The molten material then spreads out, pushing older rock to both sides of the ridge. C. New trenches are created. D. The continents drift closer together.
7. What happens to the rock along the mid-ocean ridge when new molten material erupts? A. It is subducted at the mid-ocean ridge. B. It is pushed away from the ridge. C. The old land becomes molten and mixes with the new. D. It makes waves in the ocean.
8.What is subduction? A. ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle. B. When two plates collide to make mountains. C. Plates spread apart. D. The plates start to sink.
9. the crust is broken into separate sections called A. Dishes B. Continents C. Plates D. Ridges
10. What type of boundary is occurring at the pacific plate and the Eurasian plate? A. Translucent B. Transform C. Divergent D. Convergent
11.At a Transform boundary, what type of natural disaster can occur?Transform A. Tornados B. Bears! C. Earthquake D. Tsunamis
12. At a divergent boundary…divergent A. Ocean floor is formed. B. Mountains are created. C. Plates are scraped against one another. D. New molten material is released to make a new continent.
13. At a convergent boundary…convergent A. Faults Occur. B. new seafloor is created. C. Mountains can form. D. prisons are found that contain convicts.
14. Alfred Wegener theorized that the continents were once joined in a single landmass. Evidence that supports this theory is the similarity between A. the coal beds of North and South America. B. mountain ranges in Africa and South America. C. mountain ranges in Asia and Antarctica. D. the coal beds of North American and Asia.
15. What type of Boundary is this? A. Subduction B. Divergent C. Transform D. Convergent
16. What type of Boundary is this? A. Subduction B. Divergent C. Transform D. Convergent
17. What type of Boundary is this? A. Subduction B. Divergent C. Transform D. Convergent
18. What type of Boundary is this? A. Subduction B. Divergent C. Transform D. Convergent
19. What type of Boundary is this? A. Subduction B. Divergent C. Transform D. Convergent
20. What type of Boundary is this? A. Subduction B. Divergent C. Transform D. Convergent