Noëlle BRU Laboratoire de Mathématiques et ses Applications UMR CNRS 5132 Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour : Patrick PROUZET IFREMER LRHA Michel LEJEUNE Université Grenoble 2 As an example the Adour Estuary (Southwestern part of France)
About management groups : ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the sea): “the stock of European eel (Anguilla Anguilla L.) is outside safe biological limit and that current fisheries are not sustainable”. 18 September 2007: the Council of the European Union adopted a council regulation (EC 1100/2007) establishing measures for the recovery of stock of European eel. November 2007 : the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) listed the European eel on its Appendix II and considered the eel as an endangered species. Glass eel = young eel... Passive migration… During flood tide… Mainly by night… Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer General context… (source : IFREMER)
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer In European estuaries: constant decrease is observed for several years. Over-exploitation at the different phases of the biological cycle ? Inland habitat loss ? Climate and ocean current changes ? Diseases ? Degradation of continental environment and pollution ?… An estimate of biomass is needed : To quantify the importance of this decrease To study the link with all the possible causes... But absolute fish abundance in an open ocean region is hard to obtain... General context… ?
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer Most methods : » Designed for a fixed stock within a given area » Geostatistical approaches » Hydroacoustics campaigns… A specific method : in a particular environment : from the mouth of a estuary + an area of migration... a species with a specific migratory behavior... a method to compute an efficient estimate of glass eels abundance... Problems…
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer Used to propose biomass estimates… How and why to put together these datasets ?? About the talk... What are the data available to do so ? Historical time series of professional catches (by day, into the maritime area) Data from scientific in situ surveys Step 1 Step 2 Are they really good indicators of abundance ?
Step 1 of the method : Using data from scientific in situ surveys… Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment « Observed » glass eels biomass estimates (source IFREMER)
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer All samples are assumed to be simultaneous... 1 passage 30 min ( 8 passages max !!!) …… during the flood tide…. 5 min 10 min Right Bank MiddleLeft Bank Glass eel densities (in g/100m 3 ) s=1…S (=6)k=1,…, n(=8) Main Push-sieve fishery Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment The Adour estuary
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer Total biomass (in kg) for the flood tide period through vertical region R Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment J different schemes tested…
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer We need a functional form for each term!! Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment For the current speed v s (t)… A sinusoidal model depending on time A log-log linear model depending on the current speed For glass eels density d s (t)… An explicit form for the estimate + An evaluation of its variability to correct possible errors of measurement to evaluate the beginning and the end of the flood tide
Finally, ◦ Simple method... With sparse data... ◦ Some approximations and hypothesis… ◦ More surveys than results... ◦ But “observed” biomasses seems “realistics” ! Method easily adaptable for other estuaries Exploitation rates for push- sieve are derived by days... Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment SeasonDayBiomass (in Kg)push-sieve catches (in Kg) 98/99 12/01/ /01/ ,2 22/01/ ,2 28/01/ ,5 11/02/ ,6 17/02/ ,5 17/03/ ,5 99/00 09/12/ ,79 22/12/ ,15 05/01/ ,31 07/01/ ,64 08/01/ ,67 09/01/ ,56 12/01/ ,79 01/02/ ,18 08/02/ ,2 00/01 14/12/ ,2 21/12/ ,7 03/01/ /01/ ,5 12/01/ ,1 24/01/ ,5 26/01/ ,9 02/03 03/01/ ,4 22/01/ ,6 03/04 26/11/ ,2 21/01/ ,2 04/05 09/11/ ,3 18/11/ ,8 23/11/ ,5 08/12/ /12/ ,6
Step 2 of the method : Using both information (« observed » estimates and professional catches) Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment for a fixed fishing season Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer Model ? Dependent variable : rate of exploitation Explanatory variables : catches + environmental variables Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment Professional catches with push-sieves « observed » biomass Data concerning the same glass eel run !!
Model : glm( Rate ~ TurbCod + Catches^ TideCod+ FlowCod * Moon+catches*Moon) ◦ Gamma distribution (with canonical link = inverse) ◦ Coded explanatory variables : Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment TurbCodTideCodFlowCod 1 if <13 NTU 2 otherwise. 1 if <60, 3 > 86 2 otherwise 1 if <250 m 3 /s, 3 > 400 m 3 /s 2 otherwise Degree of freedomDeviance Residual Degree of freedomF valuePr(F) NULL31 TurbCod19, ,7460,001 Catches^0,67813,185296,2370,024 TideCod20,939270,9190,419 FlowCod:Moon87,044191,7240,168 Catches:Moon31,295160,8450,489 With 32 observations…
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer « cleaned » values + A variability associated to each predicted value of the rate of exploitation ! Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment Values >100 or < 0 Predicted rate of exploitation <1,5% and catches >100kg tide 600m 3 /s
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer Smoothed biomass (by gaussian kernels) Predicted biomass + erreur « observed » biomass + error of prediction Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment With a estimated standard error around 7 T
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer Glass eels recruitment for a fixed season ??? Known for every night (see before)unknown Hyp : mean value between two consecutive nights Fishing season Catckes with push- sieves in kg Total catches in kg Biomass in kg Rate of exploitation of push-sieves Glass eels recruitment in kg Overall rate of exploitation 1998/1999 1,655 ~ 6,000 28, %53, % 1999/2000 4,579 ~15,000 96, %181,3548.3% 2000/2001 1,446 1,983+F 15, %32, / ,395+F 20, %43, / ,594+F 3, %6, /2004 1,093 2,969 8, %17, % 2004/2005 1,398 7,183 27, %59, % 2005/ ,531 7, %15, % average 1,50226,070 7,85%51,240 median 1,24618,050 7,3%38,149 Step 1 : In situ scientific surveys… Sampling protocol and data Statistical method for estimation of « observed » glass eels biomass Results and discussion Step 2 : Using professional catches… Estimate of seasonal glass eels biomass migrating by night Estimate of glass eels recruitment
Need to explicit the precision of each estimates at each step of the calculus. The method is adaptable to other estuary but with the search of a model… But the level of seasonal biomass is realistic !! Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer Conclusions and perspectives…
Colloque ASP - Boulogne sur Mer Thanks to the numerous scientists and crew members who conducted the experimental campaigns because our analysis is based on their hard work !!!