By: Michaela Lièvre University of Guelph
Countries involved? – Canada and Nepal Why export? – Significant benefits for Canadians and Nepalese What is the product? – Wait and see! Retrieved from from
A small, land-locked country in South Asia India located to the West, South and East China located to the North The altitude varies considerably Retrieved from Retrieved from Traditionally divided into 3 geographic zones Nearly ¾ of the population rely on agriculture
Fruits are grown across the country in mid and high mountainous areas The dry temperate inter Himalaya region is well suited to apple crops Apple and pear crops occupy the greatest area and produce the greatest yields Retrieved from
Fruits are damaged by harvesting, pests and diseases Growth on nutrient deficient, unpruned trees results in poor quality and reduced yields Retrieved from Constance/yOQGMNcsSR5 Retrieved from -lemnos.html
Reduced waste Increased income from the sale of apple juice Reduction in costs associated with transportation to the market place Retrieved from
Presses and grinds a variety of fruits, including pears, grapes and apples Retrieved from
3 components: 1) Centre posts 2) Leg braces 3) Headers located at top and bottom Header (top) Centre post Leg braces Retrieved from
Fruit grinder bolted to top header Plastic tub with stainless steel screws Pressing screw with Acme machined thread to ensure non-binding cranking Retrieved from Pressing Screw Grinder
Pressing table and tub located beneath grinder Tub composed of: 1. Hardwood slats 2. Stainless steel bands Nylon mesh bag within the tub Plastic collection tray beneath tub Retrieved from Nylon Mesh Collection Tray
Canadian company, Berry Hill Limited Established in 1946 Family owned Serves clientele through retail sales and mail orders Store and head office located in St. Thomas Retrieved from
Parts are sourced in from 7 Canadian companies Increased profit for Canadian companies Exporting the good creates the potential for increased employment opportunities Retrieved from local_poultry_producers.htm The appliance sells for just under nine hundred dollars ($899.99) Shipping charges apply * Names of specific companies that supply parts to Berry Hill Limited are confidential
Pleasant Hill Grain sells several models of fruit presses and grinders These models may be more affordable for Nepalese farmers Retrieved from Retrieved from
Competition may exist in the market as several companies sell similar products Perhaps Canadian companies should consider lowering prices in order to be more competitive Further research and investigation may assist with evaluations of additional benefits to both Canadians and the Nepalese For more information, please visit: cI7%20Mgod02AAkw#MAXGSAM
Berry Hill Limited. (2014). Apple Cider Press & Fruit Press & Grinder. Retrieved from Devkota, L. N. (1999). Deciduous Fruit Production in Nepal. In Deciduous Fruit Production in Asia and the Pacific (8). Retrieved from Fox, K. (2014). Personal communication by phone ( ). Date: November 4, K. Fox is the owner of Berry Hill Limited. Khanal, R. (2014). Personal communication by Date: November 2, R. Khanal is a Post Doctoral student at the University of Guelph. Pariyar, D. (1998). Climate and Agro-Ecological Zones. In Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profiles (2). Retrieved from Pleasant Hill Grain (2014). Pleasant Hill Grain Cider Press, Fruit Press, Apple Press, Wine Press. Retrieved from CFcI7%20Mgod02AAkw#MAXGSAM
Presentation completed by: Michaela Lièvre University of Guelph in partnership with IDRC CIFSRF and DFAIT Faculty Sponsor: Professor Manish Raizada A special thank you to Ken Fox (owner of Berry Hill Limited) and Raja Khanal (a Post Doctoral student at the University of Guelph) for sharing their knowledge Total presentation time: 5 minutes and 23 seconds For further information: A detailed written evaluation of this export idea is posted on