In the last 5 years, the Russian pharmaceutical market has increased on average by 12% in rubles Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
The largest decline in the market was in USD Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
Seasonal disease is an anti-crisis tool In January-March: The growth in rubles: 25% The increase in packages: 3% Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
The results of the first quarter of 2015: inflation is 10% Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
In April, price growth has stopped Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
50% of the market is under price regulation Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
OTC medicines from the list of essential drugs take more then 50% in packages in Retail segment Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
In the state segment, essential drugs with a price more than 500 rubles account for over 80% Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
Essential drugs for a lifelong term Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
Total sales of the top 10 "incident" brands of essential drugs declined by 5.2 million packages Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
“Excluded INN” in 2015 had better luck Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
Advertising is the main tool for promoting drugs Source : TNS Russia, TV Index
7 companies out of the 25 advertisers are pharmaceutical manufacturing companies Source : TNS Russia, TV Index
Pharmaceutical companies costs of TV advertising are growing in the volume of the total cost of TV advertising Source : TNS Russia, TV Index
Only 2% of drug assortment is represented in more than 80% pharmacies Source: Pharmacy penetration, 4,000 points The commercial market turns about SKU drugs.
Sales of drugs with a penetration of 40-80% are more then 60% Source: Pharmacy penetration, 4,000 points
The presence of drugs in the pharmacy is a prerequisite of successful advertising company Source: Pharmacy penetration, 4,000 points
The presence of drugs in the pharmacy is a prerequisite of successful advertising company Source: Pharmacy penetration, 4,000 points
Forecast 2015: the market will grow by 12% in rubles Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market
Forecast 2015 dollars, the market can return to 2010 level Source: DSM Group, audit of Russian pharmaceutical market