Flow Measurements Identify an effect that depends on flowrate Mixing of two streams Feed rate into a combustion chamber Heat exchangers Velocity Flowmeters Size Accuracy Media Cost Pressure drop Pressure losses
Bucket Flow Meter
Rotameter Force balance Drag Force Gravity Buoyancy http://www.sensorsmag.com/sensors/flow/the-basics-rotameters-1068
Turbine Flow Meters https://www.instrumart.com/pages/227/in-line-turbine-paddle-wheel-flow-meters
Doppler / Ultrasonic Flowmeter http://www.instreng.com/tag/doppler-flow-meter/
Magnetic Flowmeter Faraday’s Law Conductive fluid moving through a magnetic field induces a voltage. http://www.processautomatic.com/functinal_principle_of_the_magnetic_flow_meter/
Thermal Mass Flowmeter http://www.processonline.com.au/articles/38653-Flowmeter-selection-for-improved-gas-flow-measurements-a-comparison-of-DP-and-thermal-dispersion-technologies
Vortex Shedding Non-streamlined object placed in the middle of a flow stream Vortices are shed alternately downstream of the object. Frequency of the vortex shedding is directly proportional to the velocity of the liquid flowing in the pipeline. Ultrasonic, electric, or fiber optic transducers https://www.instrumart.com/pages/230/vortex-shedding-flow-meters
Obstruction Flow Meters Δp Sharp-Edged Orifice Q Δp Long Radius Q Nozzle Δp Q Venturi
Flow through a Nozzle a.) Continuity mass in = mass out b.) Bernoulli’s equation Total pressure is constant throughout If incompressible fluid (like water): http://docs.engineeringtoolbox.com/documents/493/nozzle.gif
Bernoulli’s Equation Bernoulli’s Equation for Total Pressure
Flow through a Nozzle
Flow through a Nozzle Y = Compressibility Factor =1 for incompressible flow or when DP<< Pabs C= Discharge Coefficient =f(Re) and nature of specific flow meter
Airfoil Lift http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/Equal_transit-time_NASA_wrong1.gif
Pitot Tube http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/Images/pitot.jpg
Pitot Tube
Flow Types – Reynolds Number Reynolds number is a ratio of inertial to viscous flows Re < 2000 – Laminar Flow Re > 4000 – Turbulent Flow
Nozzle Flowmeter Example
Car Example Rick Perry is holding a Chick-Fil-A Cup out a car window. Texas is basically at sea level (102,325 Pa); (1.225 kg/m3) Somehow, Rick also has a pressure gauge facing in the direction of travel reading 680 Pag. How fast is the car going (mph)?