X.Dong, USTC/LBNL Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting 1 TOF Software Progress Xin Dong, for TOF Group  TOF detectors in Run IV  Online software.


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Presentation transcript:

X.Dong, USTC/LBNL Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting 1 TOF Software Progress Xin Dong, for TOF Group  TOF detectors in Run IV  Online software  Offline software -- Data base & Geometry -- Makers - match - calibration - simulation and embedding - MuDst  Summary & Outlook

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 2 TOF detectors in Run IV TPC pVPD east pVPD west Au TOFx East-TPC TOFpTOFr x y Au Some changes this year:  pVPDs moved ~4” further from Z=0  TOFp moved one slot clockwise when facing west from the east side --- read out channels no change (41)  TOFr did not move, but the tray size and module positions in the tray changed --- First 20 modules (out of 32) in the tray have read-out electronics ( channels totally)

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 3 Online Software ‣ Online software extended to 3 CAMAC crates in order to accommodate the read-out of 48 additional TOFr channels. ‣ new TOF raw data format ( channels) required similar changes to the offline DAQ reader. ‣ Clearly we still have issues with the TCD-Bira communications which show up in TOF DAQ. --- mostly due to a hardware problem, not a software problem -- TOFr HV is now only one channel. Software was updated accordingly and so was its interface with SlowControls. -- TOFp HV. No changes, only updated the Cell Mapping for its SlowControl interface -- TOFr Gas. No changes. -- SlowControls interfaces. Reviewed the Red/Yellow alarm settings and made them available as a document

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 4 TOF Offline Software Framework STAR/TOF DAQ TOF Data TOF Cell/Slat TOF Hit TOF Match Maker TOF Calibration Maker TOF Collection StEvent GSTAR geant hits TOF DAQ Reader, TOFMakerTOF Simulation Maker MuDst TOF TOF MuFill Maker + MuDst Maker TOF Mixer Maker TOF MCCell/MCSlat

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 5 TOF Geometry Data Base  Find the tracked cell/slat from a Helix  Coordinates transferring  Initialization from GEANT  TOF configurations --- ready --- pVPD configuration --- pVPD Strobe events configuration --- tof detectors configuration --- tof Tray configuration --- tof Module configuration  DAQ mapping --- ready --- tof DAQ mapping TOF geometry & dbase Many new introduced structures  Calibration parameters --- ongoing --- tof T0 (timing offset) --- tof Correction (overall) --- tof Correction (each channel)  Simulation parameters --- ready --- MRPC simulation parameters  TOFp Geometry --- need to be updated this year GEANT definition change due to the geometry & position change this year

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 6 TOF Collection in StEvent TOF Data: Raw ADC, TDC in each DAQ channel (120) TOF Cell/Slat: Cells/Slats with track matched Cell/Slat Id, ADC, TDC, associated tracks, projected position TOF Hit: After calibration Physical tof, β, pathlength, etc. MCCell/MCSlat: Additional MC information

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 7 Ongoing Makers I TOF Match Maker: Fired channels from DAQ Projected cells from global tracks Matched within one pad distance Get rid of multi-hit cells Order cells for cross talks Save those have primary tracks into TOF Cell Collection TOFp Match Maker already in library, TOFr Match Maker ready to be committed

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 8 Ongoing Makers II TOF Calibration Maker: Calibration parameters from dbase TOF Cell in StEvent pVPD calibration – start time TOF Data in StEvent Time-of-flight correction Write TOF Hit in StEvent Waiting for dbase structure ready to do corresponding change for checking in Fast offline data for calibration

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 9 Ongoing Makers III TOF Simulation Maker: Ready to be committed in Simulation parameters in dbase Geant hits Cell response simulation Write raw ADC & TDC in TOF Data TOF embedding Makers: TPC embedding TOF Data from DAQTOF Data from simulation Tof Mixer Maker Tof association Maker Need corresponding change for dbase configuration read-in ?

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 10 Ongoing Makers IV TOF in MuDst: ---- MuTof introduced in MuDst TOF Hit TOF Cell MuTofFill Maker – write MuTof Corresponding changed MuDSTMaker Write into MuDst Ready to be reviewed and committed Makers summary:  Almost all are ready!  Need to be committed ASAP before production pVPD Fill Maker ?

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 11 Summary  Online DAQ corresponding change for additional TOFr channels, little changes for other online software  Many new introduced structures in dbase --- calibration structure on the way --- request corresponding changes for the Makers or Utilities  Geometry changes in GEANT due to the position change of detectors this year  Most of the offline Makers are ready to be committed for the coming production

Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 12 Outlook Preliminary timing resolution ~120ps Preliminary calibrations for Run IV Great thanks to the Software Group & … helpers! With the development of software, important physics will come out soon! Overall slewing correction