Sending and receiving s Section 6
Objectives Students will deal with messages, send and receive messages, reply to s, sorting s and how can they print a message
Sending s from the Outbox Click the Send button on the New Message window to place the in the Outbox s are sent immediately if you have an ‘always on’ broadband connection You can configure Outlook Express not to send message immediately – this is useful if you have a dial-up connection If you have ‘dial-up’, click Send/Recv, and type you username and password when asked to do so
Receiving s Incoming s are downloaded from your ISP to your Inbox when you send an Click Inbox to show any s received Received s are shown with icons indicating Read or Unread You can sort the s Double-click the message name in the Message List pane to read the message The Message View window lets you: read and print out the message type a reply forward it to someone else print a message by clicking the Print button
Receiving an attachment If you receive a file with an attachment, the message header has a paper-clip icon beside it Open the Click File, Save Attachments… Use the Browse... button to navigate to a folder where you want to save the attachment Open the attachment using the appropriate application
Virus alert! Make sure you have an up-to-date virus checker installed Only open files with.exe,.scr,.pif or.vbs extensions if you are expecting them Virus-check unexpected file attachments before opening them There is a risk of infecting a computer with a virus just by opening an There’s no danger from plain text but if the is in the form of a web page there may be buttons that have unseen effects You can delete a suspicious-looking without opening it by hiding the Preview pane, then right- clicking the and choosing Delete
Replying to an Either click the Reply button on the toolbar to type a reply to the sender only Or click Reply All to send a reply to anyone else that the was sent to Type your message and click Send
Forwarding an Double-click the message name in the Inbox to show the Message View window Click the Forward button – the forwarding window is set up for you with the original subject line Click To: to add the recipient’s name Add your own message and click Send
Message Management
Sorting s You can sort s by sender, subject or date, by clicking the column header (clicking again reverses the order) In the left-hand columns, the Priority shows if a priority level was set by the sender Attachments are shown by a paperclip Clicking in the Flag column shows a Flag icon to draw your attention (click again to remove it) You can sort on these columns The Read/Unread markers can be changed from the Edit menu
Searching for s Click the Find button, enter search parameters and click Find Now
Deleting s To delete s, select the s you don’t want and click the Delete button – this moves them to the Deleted Items folder When this folder starts to fill up, choose Edit, Empty ‘Deleted Items’ Folder Alternatively, to delete them automatically, choose Tools, Options..., Maintenance tab, and check Empty messages from the ‘Deleted Items’ folder on exit
Organising s As with files, it’s a good idea to group together related s in easily recognisable folders To file s, select the in the main window Choose Move to Folder... from the Edit menu – the Move window shows all the Local Folders set up in your copy of Outlook Express You will probably need to make a new folder for your own use. Click the New Folder button and type a name for the folder Click OK, then OK again to move the from its current folder to the new folder
Saving a draft In the New Message window, click File, Save – you will be shown a confirmation message. Click OK When you want to finish the message, double-click it, make any necessary changes, and send it in the usual way
Printing a message You can print a message from most Outlook Express windows by clicking the Print button or File, Print... The Print dialogue box is similar to others you have met in other applications In it you can set the pages to print and the number of copies