Variable Speed Indoor Blower Motor Robert Helt Technical Conference - Panama City Beach, Fl
ECM™ Variable Speed Motor
Normal Blower Operation Set Switches 1 & 2 for System Tonnage Set 3 & 4 for 350,400, or 450 CFM/Ton Set 5 & 6 for Time Delay / Enhanced Mode Set 7 & 8 for Desired Heating Airflow Verify CFM with Flashing LED Cont. Fan Airflow is 1/2 Cooling CFM Cycle Power For New Switch Settings
Variable Speed Motor Operation G - On / Off Command for the Motor Y - Selects Cooling Or Heat Pump Heating CFM Ylo - Selects Low Speed Cool or HP Heating CFM O - Tells Motor Cooling Mode is Selected BK - Selects De-Humidify Mode when O is ON, or PWM Input for Variable Speed Mode Operation W1 - Selects Low Heat CFM, Elect. or Gas W2 - Selects High Heat on Gas Furnaces W3 - Selects High Heat on Electric Heat (If Used)
Time Delay Operation The Time Delay Mode Senses Y or Ylo and G The Off Time Begins When Y or Ylo & G Turn Off, simultaneously. The Off Time Airflow will be 100% or 50% of the Last Airflow Depending on Option Selected If Continuous Fan Mode is Selected, No Delay Operation Will Occur Because: G On, Cont Fan, is Considered a New Mode Comfort “R” Mode, Delay Off CFM, will be 50% of the Last Requested CFM
Variable Speed Motor Continuous Fan Wiring Options Normal 50% of Cooling Airflow Optional 40%, 80% and 100 % of Cooling Airflow Can be Provided Some Wiring Tricks are Required Get Your Thinking Cap On
G G BK R Note: Only wiring involved is shown. Normal or Comfort “R” Mode. Single Speed or Two Speed systems. BK to R Jumper Circulation Airflow Fan Power (3 ton typical) 50% (normal) watts
GYGY G Y BK R Y Note: Only wiring involved is shown. Single Speed System. Normal Mode Only. G to Y Jumper BK to R Jumper Circulation Airflow Fan Power (3 ton typical) 100 % watts
G Y O G Ylo O Y BK YO YO Note: Only wiring involved is shown. Single Speed system. Normal Mode. Jumper G to Ylo to O Circulation Airflow Fan Power (3 ton typical) 40 % (normal) watts Jumper Y to BK
G Ylo O G Ylo O BK Ylo O Note: Only wiring involved is shown. Two Speed system. Normal Mode. Jumper G to Ylo to O Circulation Airflow Fan Power (3 ton typical) 40 % (normal) watts
G Y O G Y O BK YO YO Note: Only wiring involved is shown. Single Speed System. NON - Comfort “R” Mode. Jumper G to Y to O Circulation Airflow Fan Power (3 ton typical) 80 % Watts
Cooling Mode and Humidistat Operation Motor in Cooling Mode, when O Energized BK is Humidistat Enable, 24Vac Airflow is Reduced by 20% when BK is Off and O is On (Motor is in Cooling Mode) De-Humidify mode - O is On, BK is Off Delay Off airflow will be Reduced by 20% in De-Humidify mode
GYGY G Y BK R Y Note: Only wiring involved is shown. Normal Mode Only, Not Comfort “R”. Do not use Humidistat with Comfort “R”. BK to R Jumper Replaced by Humidistat Humidistat Humidistat opens on Rising Humidity
De-Humidify Mode Operates in Cooling Mode, O - On G, Y or Ylo, O, and BK to Operate Install Humidstat BK to R to De-Humidify Provides 80% Airflow When Humidistat is Open, BK is Off Delay Off airflow will be Reduced 20% if Humidistat is Open
Comfort “R” Mode “Enhanced Mode” Comfort “R” Mode (Enhanced Mode) Operates in Cooling or Heat Pump Heating Modes, Air Handlers. Cooling Mode only in Gas Furnace, with “O”. G, Y or Ylo, are the Only Inputs Required, A/H. In a Gas Furnace Application, O is also Required. Comfort “R” Mode Operates in Low Speed and High Speed for Two Speed Systems
100% 80% 50% OFF FIRST STAGE minuteminutes Dehumidify Warm Air Enhanced Comfort Enhanced Efficiency COMPRESSOR OPERATION ONOFF Only if required SYSTEM AIRFLOW (CFM) 1 Stage, Comfort “R” Mode “Enhanced Mode”
Two Stage Comfort “R” Mode
Variable Speed Reminders If Enhanced Mode (Comfort “R”) is Selected, Jumper R to BK If Enhanced Mode is Selected, Set 400 CFM/Ton On Air Handlers, Comfort “R” Mode works in Heating and Cooling On Gas Furnaces, Comfort “R” Mode works in Cooling when “O” is energized On Packaged Units, G is not the Master on-off switch
VSPD Reminders, cont. R to BK Jumper, Reminders Remove BK Jumper if Humidistat is installed Remove if Variable Speed Mode, PWM Input Remove for Special Continuous Fan Modes Leave in for Standard Operation Leave in for Enhanced Mode Operation
GYOGYO G Y BK R O YO YO Comfort “R” Can Operate in Heat Pump and Cooling Modes BK to R Jumper Circulation Airflow Fan Power (3 ton typical) 50% (normal) watts
Variable Speed Tools Trouble Shooter Kit Order Pub. No Test Wire Go - No Go Cable Two Colors
Variable Speed Tools The Test Board is used in place of the Variable Speed Fan Motor
Problem Diagnosis Using Troubleshooting Tools Verify Signals to Motor w/Troubleshooter LED’s Indicate Which Dip Switches are in the ON Position LED’s Indicate Which Control Lines are Energized Verify Motor Operation w/Go-No Go Cable
Problem Diagnosis Using In-Board Electronics Apply “G” and Motor Should Operate If Motor Runs Very Slow With Fast Flashing CFM LED - No Programming, Replace Module Wrong CFM Indication or Flashes: Check Dip Switch Settings and 24 Volt Inputs Check for Label Indicating Proper Part Numbers and Mnemonics
Where is the BK Jumper? Old style A/H Interface Board
New Variable Speed Interface Board
The New Variable Speed Control Box
Variable Speed A/H Wiring
LVTB and BK Jumper
Replace the Module Not the Motor/Module combination Return Analysis Confirms less than 10 Total Motor Failures
Indoor Variable Speed Motor Replacement Modules
Variable Speed Draft Inducer Troubleshooter Board Pub No
Variable Speed Module Programming PC Card and Cable for Local Parts Distributor Programming Four Blank Modules for 56 Variable Speed Applications Reduced Replacement Inventory - Saves Money Improves Your Responsiveness to the Dealer & Homeowner Internet Software Updates Availability - ??? ??? ??? Limited Quantities
Variable Speed Indoor Motor Programmer Shipped with PC card, cables and instruction manual Software to run the program will be downloaded through the Internet The software will reside on the users PC When new VS software is released for production the web site will be updated Before the software is downloaded the user must agree to the LICENSING AGREEMENT GE HAS PROVIDED FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE AGREEMENT MAY RESULT IN LEGAL RECOURSE BY GE
Variable Speed Outdoor Fan Is Module Replacement Desired?
Replacement Module for New VSPD Outdoor Fan Motors?