Introductions and Objective Introductions of Everyone Today’s objective: Through interactive learning, teachers and students will engage in practice targeted exercises, informed by Common Core State Standards, that lead to a culminating activity focused on problem-solving in real world situations
Common Core Connections to Theatre The new Common Core Plus standards have a high linguistic demand. Students must be able to: Engage in extended discourse Read and understand complex text IN ENGLISH Construct explanations and argumentation Understand and create diverse text and sentence structures Handle very different vocabulary practices
More Connections—21 st Century Skills 21 st Century skills that the Common Core seeks to address: Communication – sharing thoughts, questions, ideas, and solutions Collaboration – working together to reach a goal by putting talent, expertise, and smarts to work Critical Thinking – looking at problems in a new way, linking learning across subjects and disciplines Creativity – trying new approaches to get things done equals innovation and invention
Activity 1: Watch Videos CNA English School – Speaking English Human Library &type=3&theater Dialogue in the Dark Always like a Girl -0UbdONy3C7PMORorcfxyZtW5
Activity 2: Group Introduction Activity: Tell Me About Yourself
Activity 3: Participants brainstorm skills needed for problem solving Brainstorm a list of problem solving skills and categorize in the following groupings: Communication Approach problems with patience and persistence Work as a team to achieve common goals Divergent thinking
Activity 4: First game Human Obstacle Course Reflection: Brainstorm additional games that serve Communication
Activity 5: Second Game Find Your Mama Like a Little Penguin Reflection: Brainstorm additional games that serve Patience and Persistence
Activity 6: Third Game Yes Reflection: Brainstorm additional games that serve Teamwork
Activity 7: Fourth Game Cloth in Circle Reflection: Brainstorm additional games that serve Divergent Thinking
Activity 8: Form small groups to identify practice problem In groups of 6 to 8 people, Brainstorm pressing issues or even a simple problem in their classes, schools, communities, nation, world
Activity 9: Develop a two-minute presentation to the group’s problem Using elements of communication, patience and persistence, team work and divergent thinking, each group develops two-minute approach to the issue they researched
Activity 10: Assignment for in-school implementation With your class, identify a problem and work together to find a creative approach to solving the problem. Implement the approach and document the process and outcome. Bring back a presentation of your creative approach to the problem
Wrap Up and Questions See you on November 12!
Thank You!