What is OpenWrt Free and open source Easy and free access Comminity driven ---- linux-kernel based OS for your home router from openwrt.org
Routers is on embedded System Today’s routers/switch is embedded system running linux-kernel based OS and routing/switch software on this OS Architecture of routers 90% MIPS Others including ARM(some new models) PowerPC(some old models) X86(special ones)
Routers is on embedded System Since it runs complete linux-kernel OS, your home router is an compter. With about MHz MIPS CPU 8-64MB ROM RAM IO Ethernet USB …
Other 3-party firmware for home routers Tomato DD-wrt … Web control GUI is more friendly to common users. OpenWRT is more flexible to professional users.
OpenWRT is the opensource OS running in your router, which makes that only limit is hardware. Linksys WRT54G
Why it is useful? Very good and affordable platform to learn embedded system and developing on it. Enhance your home router, and save cost Learn and practice setting VLAN in your home Understand deeper in networks Make it as a server with light works, instead of using a computer running 24*7
How to get the firmware for the specific model Direct download from openwrt.org Some model need modify some sourcecode and build, compile and make it by yourself If compiling by yourself, you can preload some packages.
How to install it to router The firmware uploading page in web control GUI FTP mode TFTP mode Serial Port cable (TTL cable) …
After installing it Do whatever you want to Make the router to wirelesss bridge Make USB port support printers, storages, your phone usb tethering, 3G dongle… BitTorrent downloading client Personal blog web server Proxy client, Proxy Server VPN client, VPN Server DNS server, NTP server, SMTP server… … Control your router in SSH Operating as a linux machine Or login to Web GUI
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