Professional Standards Office of Child Nutrition ∙ Spring Training 2015
Understand the key requirements of the final rule Learn about available resources Understand the flexibilities allowed Objectives
Why do we need professional standards in the School Nutrition Programs?
State Agency Meeting for State Child Nutrition Directors Two-day listening session with representatives from State agencies, districts and others School Nutrition Association’s annual conference Early Input from Stakeholders Nov March 2012 July 2012, 2013 and 2014
Implementation begins July 1, 2015 for school year Establishes minimum requirements: –Hiring standards for new state and local directors –Annual training standards for ALL employees Final Rule
Current directors grandfathered Exempt from standards if position advertised prior to July 1, 2015 New Directors of multiple schools/RCCIs, Standards of total enrollment Hiring Standards for Districts
Fewer than 2,499 students 2,500 – 9,999 students 10,000 or more students
Bachelor’s degree with specific major, OR Bachelor’s degree with any academic major, and a State-recognized certificate, OR Associate’s degree with specific major and at least 1 year of experience, OR High school diploma (or GED) and 3 years of experience District Hiring Standards: Less than 2,500 students
For districts with fewer than 500 students: State Agency has discretion to approve hiring of a director that has a high school diploma but less than 3 years of experience District Hiring Standards: Less than 2,500 students
Bachelor’s degree with specific major, OR Bachelor’s degree with any academic major, and a State-recognized certificate; OR Bachelor’s degree with any academic major and at least 2 years of experience, OR Associate’s degree with specific major and at least 2 years of experience District Hiring Standards: 2,500 – 9,999 students
Bachelor’s degree with specific major, OR Bachelor’s degree with any academic major, and a State-recognized certificate; OR Bachelor’s degree with any academic major and at least 5 years experience in management of programs District Hiring Standards: 10,000 or more students
Food Safety Certification
For New Directors in All districts and schools: At least 8 hours of food safety training within 5 years prior to the starting date, or completed within 30 days of the starting date All Directors: Must obtain food safety certification every 5 years
Annual Training Standards for All School Nutrition Personnel
Rule identifies specific training topics Training topics apply based on an individual’s job Annual Training Standards
Providing training to school nutrition personnel is an allowable use of the nonprofit food service account Paying for costs incurred by an individual to meet the hiring standards are not an allowable use of funds Annual Training Standards
Director Directly responsible for the management of the day-to-day operations of school food service for all participating schools under the jurisdiction of the school food authority. Manager Directly responsible for the management of the day-to-day operations of school food service for a participating school. Program Staff No managerial responsibilities, involved in day-to-day operations of school food service for a participating school. Staff Definitions: Focus on Duties
Training Standards
Directors –8 hours - SY –12 hours - beginning SY Managers –6 hours - SY – 10 hours - beginning SY Training Standards - Summary
Full-time staff (20 hours or more) –4 hours - SY –6 hours - beginning SY Part-time staff working an average of less than 20 hrs/week –4 hours - SY and beyond Training Standards - Summary
An employee hired Jan. 1 or later must complete half of the required training hours Schools training standards may be completed over a period of two school years –Some training hours must be completed each school year –Documentation must be available for Administrative Review –15 increments Training Standards - Flexibilities
Training is allowed in a variety of formats and from different sources State agency, in-house, National Food Service Management Institute, SNA, etc. See: In SY : Training received three months prior, April 1 to July 1, 2015, counts toward the first year’s training requirements for all SFA personnel Training Standards - Flexibilities
Key Learning Areas Nutrition Communications and Marketing Operations Administration Four Training Categories
Document compliance with the hiring and training standards for SFA director, manager and staff Documentation must be available for administrative review Oversight
States will review compliance with the professional standards during the administrative review Technical assistance and corrective action will be used to address noncompliance State Agency Oversight
Hiring Standards and Training Standards for State Director of School Nutrition Programs Individuals at the State agency level with responsibility for oversight of the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program
Professional Standards Website
Training Available
Variety of formats Virtual/web-based and in-person Including free or low-cost options Variety of sources Professional associations and organizations In-house State Training
Track employee training –Optional tool has been developed by FNS Tracking Training