Non-verbal communication
Contents: Types of communication. Non-verbal communication. Gestures, their history and meaning in different countries. Gestures expressing emotions. Facial expressions. Conclusion.
Different Types Of Communication:
Verbal Listening to a person to understand the meaning of a message Non-Verbal Observing a person and inferring meaning Written A message is read Communication
WHAT IS NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION? Non-verbal communication ( NVC) Refers to the messages we give and receive through body language and facial expressions
What makes an impression?
THUMBS UP SIGN Interpretation : approval
THUMBS DOWN SIGN Interpretation : sign of disapproval or vote against
History of “Thumbs up” Gladiator should be killed Gladiator should be spared
"Ok" sign Interpretation: good/ alright/ approval
" Ok" in different countries : Japan – the general meaning is money. But for young generation it is “ ok”. Australia – usually means “ zero” rather than “ok”. Latin America and France – considered as an insulting sign and has negative connotations attached to it. Finland – military conscripts used the sign to show that they have zero days left in the military service.
V - sign Interpretation: victory
Winston Churchill
V- sign in different countries: Germany, Italy, Spain– victory. Greece, Canada, the United Kingdom, the USA – peace. Japan and China - « I’m in progress of having my photo taken, so I must make this V-sign for some reason» New Zealand – people do it to each other mostly if they know them and it is a common gesture between friends. V- sign in different countries:
Gestures which express emotions and facial expressions
Open palm Interpretation: openness/ sincerity
Standing with hands on hips Interpretation : aggression/ readiness
Arms crossed on chest Interpretation : defensiveness / closed
Arms touching chin and looking down Interpretation : boredom / indifference
Touching hair or biting nails Interpretation: nervousness / excitement / being anxious
Touching the bridge of a nose or a chin with eyes closed Interpretation reflection / deep thought
The main facial expression: smile! You are never fully dressed without a smile
Conclusion: Non-verbal communication creates stronger relational bond than verbal. It helps to give non-verbal feedback while verbal communication is going on. It acts a helpful aid with verbal communication when listener is not aware of oral language. You can give information which you don’t want others to hear or to listen to.
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