Vision Funds to Support Tulsa Non-Profit Arts Organizations
In fiscal year 2014, $1.23 billion in public funding was appropriated to the arts. Of that, local municipalities provided 63% while state governments accounted for 25% and the federal government 12%.
Federal $ 146,000,000 State $ 307,000,000 Local $ 777,000,000
When governments increase their support for the arts, they are generating tax revenues, jobs, and a creativity based economy.
According to the U.S. Census, in 2011 the value of arts and cultural production in America was $504 billion, or nearly 3.2% of gross domestic product (GDP). For context, consider that the estimated value of U.S. travel and tourism in 2011 was only 2.8% of GDP.
The arts put people to work. By investing in the arts, the public sector is fostering a skilled work force of creative occupations that contribute to economic productivity.
The arts attract tourism revenue. Cultural tourism is a huge market, comprising some million cultural travelers, whose participation in cultural and/or heritage activities contributes more than $171 billion each year to the U.S. economy.
Local governments are realizing the benefits of investing in the arts. $777,000,000 Hotel/Motel Tax Sales Tax Arts Tax
Hotel/Motel taxes are the most popular form of local option taxes used to fund the arts. Houston, Texas Austin, Texas Boulder, Colorado Chico, California King County, Washington Miami, Florida Orlando, Florida Palm Beach County, Florida Portland, Oregon San Francisco, California San Jose, California St. Louis, Missouri Columbus, Ohio
Houston $14,000,000 Houston City Council recently passed a budget which calls for $85 million to be spent on the arts over five years. The city receives 7 percent of the hotel occupancy tax with 1.3 percent going to the arts. For the most recent fiscal year, arts groups received $14 million from the hotel occupancy tax.
Columbus $5,000,000 The Columbus Ohio Hotel/Motel Bed Tax generates about $5 million to local non-profit arts groups.
Some communities earmark already existing sales taxes for the arts. These are not new taxes, rather they are current taxes which, by ordinance are dedicated to the arts.
Broward County, Florida $2,300,000 Broward County Florida collects $2.3 million annually for the arts through earmarked sales taxes.
Source: Huffington Post and Vocativ Majority of the 10 Best Cities to Live in if You’re Under 35 Provide Public Funding for the Arts
The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs is the largest cultural funding agency in the nation, with a Fiscal Year 2014 expense budget of $156 million and a capital budget of $822 million over the next four years. New York City $156,000,000
Since its inception in 1961, Grants for the Arts/San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund (GFTA) has distributed over $320 million to San Francisco's nonprofit arts and cultural organizations. It has become an international model for municipal funding and support of the arts and culture. GFTA's revenue is made possible through a portion of the 14% room tax on hotel and motel bills throughout San Francisco, California. San Francisco $10,300,000
Since 1989, Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) has distributed funds from a 1/10 of 1% sales and use tax to cultural facilities throughout the seven-county Denver, Colorado metropolitan area. The funds support cultural organizations that entertain the public through the production, presentation, exhibition, advancement and preservation of art, music, theatre, dance, zoology, botany, natural history and cultural history. Denver Metropolitan Counties $47,361,945
The City of Austin invests in arts and culture by allocating a portion of Hotel Occupancy Tax revenues to local arts organizations. The Cultural Arts Funding Programs support projects and activities in all disciplines that provide quality arts and cultural programming to the Austin community. Austin $848,690
City of Seattle maintains the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs. The department’s 2009 budget included $2.9 million from the city’s general fund; nearly $1.2 million in city-admission-tax revenue; and $2.8 million from the municipal arts fund, which sets aside 1 percent of the cost of city building projects for public art – for a total agency budget of $6.9 million. The FY 2014 Budget was $7,277,712. Seattle $7,277,712
The Portland Arts Tax is a $35 income tax paid by residents of the city to support school teachers and art focused nonprofit organizations. Residents age eighteen or older with $1,000 or more income are required to pay the tax. The tax was instituted when Portland voters passed the measure in November Portland $8,628,021
Income from PAC to City FY $1,528,000 Expense for PAC for City FY $2,097,000 (569,000) PAC Ticket Sales $10,495,342 Total Sales Tax - $893,888 City Portion - $325,355 (243,645) FY 2016 – Hotel/Motel Tax will Continue to support PAC Operating and capital needs. FY $103,000 to Gilcrease. Currently in Tulsa
Provide Vision funds to support local non-profit arts groups. Benefitting 35 Organizations Request
For every $100,000 apportioned from Vision funds: Industry Impact: $196,080 Full Time Equivalent Jobs: 5.8 Household Income: $134,747 Local Govt. Revenue: $8,723 Source: Americans for the Arts – Arts and Economic Prosperity Calculator ROI
Return on.01 of.6% Vision Funds: Industry Impact: $588,240 Full Time Equivalent Jobs: 17.3 Household Income: $404,241 Local Govt. Revenue: $26,169 Source: Americans for the Arts – Arts and Economic Prosperity Calculator ROI
Unleash the creative potential of Tulsans, and which will cultivate home-grown enterprises, large and small. Enhance the quality of life in Tulsa as a means of attracting and retaining a high quality, well-educated workforce. Begin to reverse the 50-year trend of suburbanization and the more recent diffusion of retail activity on the internet. Support public education, or which include an educational component, broadly defined. Projects should be on a scale that that will "move the needle," to begin reversing negative trends and supporting positive ones. We should first seek to invest in Tulsa's unique assets and existing treasures. Meeting Vision Goals
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