Supporting Children of Military Families Presented by, Nora Baltz RN, BSN, MA, CCM Melanie Duerkop, Becky Lamb RN
Being in the Military- What’s involved?
Miltary Life Sense of Patriotism Pride Military community Fellowship Benefits Family Support Travel Education Lack of “grounding” Frequent moves Changes in schools Fragmented friendships Family absences Changed schedules Living away from extended family DEPLOYMENT
Deployment de·ploy (d -ploi ) v. de·ployed, de·ploy·ing, de·ploys 1. a. To position (troops) in readiness for combat, as along a front or line. b. To bring (forces or material) into action. c. To base (a weapons system) in the field. 2. To distribute (persons or forces) systematically or strategically. 3. To put into use or action
How does Deployment affect the dynamics of the family unit?
Group activity #1 Exercise: Role Play. Split room into three groups. Come up with three stressors to the military school age child (one group), three stressors to the member (second group) and three stressors to other family members (third group). Each group shares thoughts from their perspective as a child, member or family member.
RECAP Stressors to the military child Loss of parent or loved one even if short term Fear of abandonment Change in family dynamics and roles during deployment Fear of missed milestones
RECAP Stressors to the Military Member Fear of Death or Dismemberment Missing out on milestones Will my family forget me? Who will take on my responsibilities in my absence? Getting ready for deployment
RECAP Stressors to other family members Role reversals Added responsibility by extended family Inability for a core family member to assist with outside activities or care needs of elderly parents during this time. Feelings of abandonment Feelings of added pressure.
Member reaction to deployment Getting ready Packing Securing job adjustments at home Update Will Power of Attorney Bills, Mail, Rent/Land Lord contact etc Saying goodbyes
Volunteer/Group Activity #2 Exercise: “THROUGH MY EYES…..” Ask for audience volunteers to discuss the BEFORE Deployment and AFTER Deployment reactions of the member, the spouse, and another family member ( Ask for a military member, spouse, parent, sibling, child etc)
How can we help the military child cope with a deployment in the school setting?
Group Participation Activity #3 Discussion: Split audience into 2 groups Discuss things to support the military child in the school setting. Consider: Activities, school involvement, peer support etc. Have each group choose a spokesperson to present 3 things.
RECAP Things we can do in the schools Military Child recognition: April=month of the military child After pledge on certain days, announce a moment of silence for military members. Group and individual counseling Peer / buddy system for support Teacher/Child 1:1
Community Involvement How can we support the military child and family in our community? Businesses * Discounts for service members * Banners in the community * Financial donations to schools * Bring “free-be’s” for distribution * Sponsor activities, coloring contests, scholarships etc. * Promotions * Radio announcements- “Hometown Heros”
*Service Organizations * Churches- Letters to Soldiers Care Packages Work with Children as a Mentor Recognition in Sunday school etc *Big Brothers and Sisters * YMCA/ youth programs * Local Day Cares/After School Care * Community Entities- Banks/Restaurants/Grocery stores