Herbs & Spices Focus on Foods
Herbs & Spices The FDA groups herbs and spices together and considers them both to be spices.
Herbs Have been described as “a friend of the physician and the praise of the cooks” Herbs are well known for their seasoning capabilities in food prepaation.
Do you know What are some common seasoning herbs?
Common Herbs Basil Sage Thyme Oregano Bay Leaves
Spices Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are derived from leaves, by the other parts of the plant from which they are derived.
History History records a time when spices were greater in value than gold. A Goth leader once demanded 3,000 pounds of pepper as a partial ransom for calling off his siege of Rome. Their value now rests in their ability to add flavorful difference to dishes.
Do you know What are some common Spices?
Examples All Spice (from a fruit) Saffron (flower) Cinnamon (bark)
Examples Anise, caraway, celery, cumin, fennel, mustard, poppy, and sesame (Seeds) Ginger and Turmeric (rhizomes)
Although garlic, onions and shallots can serve as a spice, they are officially recognized as vegetables.
Spices Used in Different Cuisines Thai food relies heavily on hot peppers Central American dishes are distinguished by their use of chili peppers or powder.
Spices Used in Different Cuisines Mexican meals often incorporate cumin, coriander, paprika, pepper, and cilantro. Indian dishes are enhanced with curry mixtures.
Purchasing Herbs and Spices Can be purchased in whole, crushed, or ground.
Purchasing Herbs and Spices Whole herbs retain their freshness longer than crushed, which in turn keep longer than ground. Whole seeds and leaves provide a visual and textural appeal. The flavor can be slow Ground spices provide a quick infusion of flavor.
Storing Herbs and Spices According to the American Spice Trade Association dried spices and herbs should be kept below 60 degrees F, and replaced every 12 months. They keep best in air tight, opaque containers stored in a cool, dry place.
MSG Monosodium Glutamate Influences flavor without contributing any flavor of its own. A compound was isolated from seaweed, which is today MSG.