Association of CSPE Teachers (Supporting Citizenship Education in Ireland) CSPE Survey Sept 2014 Responses: 86
Relating to previous slide: ‘a module, one class per week, for 1/3 of the year’ (Current CSPE Course, no other plans) ‘We decided to give two classes in second year instead’. (Current CSPE for now, Assess as part on new JC Award) ‘One 1st year group is doing a Theatre Making and Citizenship Programme... and another class is doing a Service Learning programme... in the Community as part of CSPE’ (Additional to current CSPE at one class per week, no plans re assessment)
Relating to previous slide: ‘European Studies Short Course’ (one class per week, short course designed by outside body, new NCCA CSPE short course or other short course when union issues sorted, no plans re assessment) ‘Theatre making and Citizenship programme + Community Service Learning programme’ (Additional to current CSPE at one class per week, no plans re assessment) ‘Don’t know’ (One class per week for now, no other plans)
Relating to previous slide: No additional comments
Relating to previous slide: ‘I cannot claim to have thought much about it. I will change only when necessary. With CSPE as my third subject, albeit one I enjoy very much, I don't have time to worry about it’. (One class per week, current CSPE, no other plans) ‘I believe CSPE will be dropped for the new first years and it will not be examined at all’. (One class per week, current CSPE, from next year just Statements of Learning) ‘Don't know. Have not been made aware of any changes. Carrying on as usual.’ (One class per week, current CSPE, no plans)