SOAPSTone Strategy
Why SOAPSTone? Allows for analysis of any written text Allows identification of key elements of text Allows students to organize and plan own writing.
SPEAKER Who is the Speaker? – This is the voice that tells the story—author and speaker aren’t the same. – Writers may use points of view that “conceal or alter their actual beliefs or opinions.” – Readers must interpret each voice presented – Impacts reader perception
Occasion What is Occasion? – This is the time and place or context of the writing. – Larger occasion is environment of ideas and emotions around broad issue – Immediate occasion an event or situation that triggers a writers response – Helps to understand the writers motivation
Audience Who is the Audience? – The group of readers to whom writing is MOST directed. – The choice of audience affects how and why of the writing
Purpose Reason behind the text. – As a reader you need to consider the author’s purpose – As a writer you need to ask yourself: “What do I want my audience to think as a result of reading my work?”
Subject The general topic, content and ideas contained in the text Stated in a few words or a phrase Helps to focus your work
Tone The attitude of the author. – Extends meaning beyond the literal – Ability to manage tone indicates writer sophistication. Diction, syntax, imagery