Health and safety training by Carol Slinger
Health and Safety What concerns you most?
Qualifications and Training Meet statutory requirements in both food safety and health and safety Comprehensive content Consistent approach and outcome Recognised and respected by enforcement officers Opportunity to share experiences and ask questions Only one day
Qualifications and Training Able to proudly display achievement for customers, employers, visitors to see Able to put knowledge into practical use Demonstrates commitment to staff by supporting their training QCA accredited
Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace Six sections: 1. Introduction to health and safety and health and safety law 2. Health and welfare 3. Safety
Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace 4. The workplace and work equipment 5. Risk assessment, manual handling and hazardous substances 6. Ergonomics, working at height, transport and noise and vibration
Taught through activity Activity 1: Accidents in the workplace Complete the ‘What causes harm’ worksheet using the list of common workplace accidents.
Types of accidents Injured by an animal Struck by moving vehicle Slips, trips or fall on same level Struck by moving, including flying/falling, object Contact with electricity Fall from a height Exposure to an explosion Trapped by something collapsing or overturning Exposure to fire Strike against something fixed or stationary Exposure to or contact with a harmful substance Injured while handling, lifting or carrying Drowning Asphyxiation Contact with moving machinery Acts of violence Stress
Top three causes of fatalities 1.Fall from a height 2.Struck by moving vehicle 3.Struck by moving,including flying/ falling, object In 2004/5 total number of accidents 220
Top three causes of major injuries 1. Slips, trips and falls on the same level 2. Fall from a height 3. Injured while handling, lifting or carrying In 2004/5 number of accidents 30,213
Top three causes of absences over three days 1. Injured while handling, lifting or carrying 2. Slips, trips and falls on the same level 3. Struck by moving, including flying/falling, object In 2004/5 total number of accidents 120,346
Taught through activity Activity 2: What causes harm to your workers? Are these the same as the others around your table?
Risk assessment Identify the hazards Identify those at risk Prioritise the risks Put controls in place Record and review risk assessments
Controlling the risks Activity 3: List 5 hazardous substances that can be found in your workplace For each substance lists the controls that are in place Are these the same as the person sat next to you?
And after Level 2? Level 3 aimed at Supervisory level staff Level 4 aimed at Management level and those responsible for training others
How to access CIEH training Through your local college A CIEH Registered trainer CIEH Course finder from Become a trainer yourself and train all your own staff Contact Customer Support on