Florence Nightingale By: Elizabeth Herndon Biography
My Favorite Part My favorite part of the book was when Florence almost gave up her dream to go back home. But in the end she decided to follow her dream and ended up being a nurse. This was important to the story because if she decided to stay at home, she would not have end up being famous for being one of the world’s most famous nurses.
Florence Nightingale Florence was a nurse from Florence was one of the best nurses in the world Florence went to college at the Institution of Deaconess, this was in Kasherwerth, Germany Florence had a lot of heart to care for very ill people Florence took care of soldiers in Crimean War
Why Florence is a Role Model Florence is a role model because her family did not want her to go off and be a nurse which was her dream, but she ended up doing her dream. Also Florence had many opportunities like getting married, to go to other countries, and be a nurse. She turned all of the opportunities down just to stay where she was in England to be a nurse. Florence also heard God’s voice telling her to be a nurse and follow her dream.