AUGUST 20, 2014 Pre-K Assessment for Learning
Get Out! You, Too?
Outcomes Explain the new rubric and report card Demonstrate or examine the CIRCLE Assessment Recommend nursery rhyme and picture books to other Pre-K teachers
Report Card Aligned to Pre-K Guidelines Assessing Every Guideline
Report Card Grading Scale for Content Met Standard Progressing Toward Standard Limited Progress Toward Standard Area of Concern Grading Scale for Social- Emotional Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Rubric Aligned to Pre-K Guidelines and Report Card Consistent Assessment/Grading Across the District Examples Given – look back at Prekindergarten Alignment Document Grading Scale Met Standard Progressing Toward Standard Limited Progress Toward Standard
Report Card and Rubric Group Discussion
CIRCLE Universal Screener for Math and Reading Three times a year Assessment Calendar
CIRCLE Group Work
Book Share Nursery Rhyme Books Picture Books
Outcomes Explain the new rubric and report card Demonstrate or examine the CIRCLE Assessment Recommend nursery rhyme and picture books to other Pre-K teachers
Survey CODE 237 Gifts
Clear – stick-on – labels for tubs 50 per teacher Talk boxes 2 per teacher