Use music to interest students in the corresponding book or similar book from which the music originates, thereby providing an opportunity to later pursue their individual interests as they grow.
Help students seek and access a variety of information resources, in this case books and music, to learn and for personal enjoyment. Students will develop creative products in a variety of formats (dance and art).
Pre-Kindergarten Ages 4-5 Normal class size of 25 Actual number present for program 12 Butterflies and Frogs Day Care Pre-K Classroom
Sound recording clips from Disney movies Golden Books › Toy Story › The Jungle Book › Lady & the Tramp › Cars › The Little Mermaid
Blank Book Mark (The Power of Reading) Goodies for Participation › Rubber Spiderman bouncy balls › Pens with Disney characters › Toy Story Stickers › Matchbox Cars › Cars Crayons
Students are instructed to listen to the song and dance along.
When music stops or they know the movie title, raise hand. Student provides movie title.
½ Go to the Rug and Look at Books Switch Other ½ get a prize from goodie bag Switch
The Power Of Reading Blank
Barnes and Noble, (2011). Images. ey-golden- books?page=results&domain=search&p os=&box=&store=kids&keyword=Disney+ golden+books ey-golden- books?page=results&domain=search&p os=&box=&store=kids&keyword=Disney+ golden+books Music from iTunes, 2011 Ms. Melanie Walsh, Pre-K Teacher Ms. Jennifer Vaughn, B&F Lead Teacher Butterflies and Frogs Day Care