Meghan Garcia Ashley Triana Juan Sanfiel Gaby Diaz
J OBS / R ESPONSIBILITIES Travel Agent: Meghan Garcia Culinary Expert: Ashley Triana Trip Manager: Juan Sanfiel Activity Coordinator: Gaby Diaz
P ACKING L IST Money First Aid Kit Cell Phones Sunscreen Luggage Maps Passport Birth Certificate Clothes Toothpaste/Toothbrush/Brush
T RIP TO M EXICO First, we travel from Miami to sunny Cancun. Next, we fly over to picturesque Mexico City. After, we go on over to the metropolitan city of Chihuahua. And lastly, back to our home city, Miami.
T RAVEL A GENT Meghan Garcia
F LIGHTS December Miami-Cancun Airport: Mexicana (50 minutes) Departure: 11:50 am Arrival: 12:40 pm $434 US per person December Cancun-Mexico City Airport: Mexicana ( 2hrs 25 mins) Departure: 7:00 am Arrival: 9:25 am $315 US per person
December 8-10 Mexico-Chihuahua Airport: Aero Mexico ( 1 hour 20 min) Departure: 7:00 am Arrival: 8:20 am $416 US per person December Chihuahua-Miami (1 Stop) Airport: Continental Airlines Departure: 8:30 am Arrival: 4:52 pm (Change planes in Huston, Texas) $599 US per person
H OTELS CancunMexico CityChihuahua Omni Cancun Hotel & Villas Radisson Hotel Flamingos Holiday Inn Hotels Suites $135 US$89 US$99 US