SC3 Students will use the modern atomic theory to explain the characteristics of atoms. a. Discriminate between the relative size, charge, and position of protons, neutrons, and electrons in the atom. b. Use the orbital configuration of neutral atoms to explain its effect on the atom’s chemical properties. c. Explain the relationship of the proton number to the element’s identity. d. Explain the relationship of isotopes to the relative abundance of atoms of a particular element. e. Relate light emission and the movement of electrons to element identification.
This will be our FOCUS Matter Mixture Substance Element Compound
What is an Element? One of the ~116 known “Pure”, un-cutable substances….that still retain the properties of that substance.
What is an Atom? Smallest piece of matter that still retains the properties of that matter. What are they composed of?
Timeline Bohr Model- electrons are found only in specific circular paths, or orbits, around the nucleus. Electron Cloud Model: Probable locations of electrons. MODERN: Quantum Mechanical Model: Mathematical model describing the behavior of electrons and energy of electrons in various locations around the nucleus.
Subatomic Particles Nucleus Atomic Structure Protons Neutrons Electrons Nucleus
Atomic Structure
What makes one element different from another element? Number of protons. Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure Rutherford’s Gold Foil experiment led to the discovery of a positive nucleus.
Protons Positive Charge Atomic Structure Protons Positive Charge The number of protons determines which element it is. All elements have different numbers of protons 1 amu Composed of quarks
Neutron Neural charge Located in the nucleus 1 amu Composed of quarks Atomic Structure Neutron Neural charge Located in the nucleus 1 amu Composed of quarks
Electrons Smallest subatomic particle. 1/1800 the mass of a proton. Atomic Structure Electrons Smallest subatomic particle. 1/1800 the mass of a proton. Orbit nucleus. Negative Charge
Electrons are found in different levels around the nucleus. Atomic Structure Electrons are found in different levels around the nucleus. These are called Energy Levels or shells. Each energy level also has “sublevels” or orbitals
Atomic Structure
Electrons are found in the surrounding the nucleus. Atomic Structure Electrons are found in the Electron cloud surrounding the nucleus.
Each Energy Level Can Hold A Certain Number of Electrons! Atomic Structure Each Energy Level Can Hold A Certain Number of Electrons! Only TWO on the first level!
2n2 Each Energy Level Can Hold A Certain Numbers of Electrons! Atomic Structure Different atoms have different numbers of electrons! Each Energy Level Can Hold A Certain Numbers of Electrons! Eight on the 2nd 2n2
Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
1 Atomic Mass Sum of Protons & Neutrons Atomic Number Atomic Structure Atomic Number Number of Protons 1 H Atomic Mass Sum of Protons & Neutrons 1 The # of Protons determines the identity of an element. All elements have different number of protons.
How can I find out how many electrons an atom has? Atom= neutral So, the number of protons = electrons. Atomic number tells you the number of protons................. So, it also tells you the number of electrons! Atomic Structure
Practice with a friend…………
Quantum Mechanical Model Based on quantum theory, which says matter also has properties associated with waves. According to quantum theory, it’s impossible to know the exact position and momentum of an electron at the same time. This is known as the Uncertainty Principle. This model of the atom uses complex shapes of orbitals (sometimes called electron clouds) Orbitals: volumes of space in which there is likely to be an electron. So, this model is based on probability rather than certainty.
Atomic Orbitals An atomic orbital is a region of space in which there is a high probability of finding an electron. Energy levels of electrons are labeld by principal quantum numbers (n). Each energy sublevel corresponds to an orbital of a different shape, which describes where the electron is likely to be found. Different orbitals have different shapes.
Quantum Numbers n, l, m, s Describing electron locations 1st-Principle Quantum # = n Which energy level the e- is in. n= 1-7 (there are only 7 energy levels) Max # formula= 2n2 the larger the value of n, the farther away from the nucleus and the higher the energy of the electron.
# of sublevels 2nd quantum number= l Describes the shape (orbital) Shapes: s, p, d, f Each shape “sublevel” can only have 2 electrons. Max electrons in each sublevel: s=(1x2)2, p=(3x2)6, d=(5x2)10, f=(7x2)14 # of sublevels
s & p
# of sublevels (shapes) S (1), p (3), d (5) # of sublevels (shapes)
F (7)
Describes orientation in space x, y, z 3rd quantum number= m Describes orientation in space x, y, z 4th quantum number= s Describes the spin of the e in the orbital Clock or counterclock
Brain Break Clip
Orbital Filling Diagrams (3 rules) Aufbau Principle: e- occupy orbitals of the lowest energy first. p.133 text
Orbital Filling Diagrams Hund’s Rule: one electron in each orbital, then electrons pair up with opposite spins. Pauli Exclusion Principal: An orbital may have no more than 2 electrons. 2 e- cannot have the same spin in the same orbital.
Practice: H, C, Na, S, Ar, K.
Blocks and Sublevels We can use the periodic table to predict which sublevel is being filled by a particular element.
Electron Configuration Notation
Practice: Write the electron configuration notation. Name Atomic Number Electron Configuration Oxygen 8 1s2 2s22p4 Aluminum 13 1s2 2s22p63s23p1 Chlorine 17 1s2 2s22p63s23p5
Electrons and Light Emission When atoms absorb energy, electrons move into higher energy levels (excited state). When the return to their ground state, the lose energy by emitting light. The light emitted is a mixture of a specific frequencies.
A quantum of energy is the amount of energy required to move an electron from on energy level to another energy level. The higher the ground state, the less energy it take to move to a higher energy level.
Electrons & Light Emission Each frequency is a different color. When the frequencies are passed through a prism, the colors are separated & an atomic emission spectrum is created for that element. Larger “jump”- more energy-more towards the blue side Smaller “jump”- less energy-more towards the red side
The flame test is used to visually determine the identity of an unknown metal or metalloid ion based on the characteristic color the salt turns the flame of a bunsen burner
Isotopes Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of protons and differ only in the number of neutrons. Most isotopes are stable but radioactive isotopes are unstable and break down into more stable forms by emitting particles and energy (radiation). Radiation can be detected, so radioactive isotopes are useful as labels in scientific research and medical diagnostic procedures.
Let’s Do some practice problems
How do you find this number?
Calculating Average Atomic Mass Percent(%) abundance of isotopes Weighted average= Mass of each isotope x % abundance of that element
Atomic Mass of Magnesium Isotopes Mass of Isotope Abundance 24Mg = 24.0 amu 78.70% = ______ 25Mg = 25.0 amu 10.13% = ______ 26Mg = 26.0 amu 11.17% = ______ Atomic mass (average mass) Mg = 24.3 amu Mg 24.3
Practice Gallium is a metallic element found in small lasers used in compact disc players. In a sample of gallium, there is 60.2% of gallium-69 (68.9 amu) atoms and 39.8% of gallium-71 (70.9 amu) atoms. What is the avg. atomic mass of gallium?
Practice A sample of boron consists of 10B (mass 10.0 amu) and 11B (mass 11.0 amu). If the average atomic mass of B is 10.8 amu, what is the % abundance of each boron isotope?
Counting Atoms The Mole
The Mole For a given molecule (atom), one mole is a mass (in grams) whose number is equal to the atomic mass of the molecule (atom) What is the Mole? A counting number (like a dozen) Avogadro’s number (NA) 1 mol = 6.02 1023 items
The Mole Avogadro's number 1 mole of molecules has a mass equal to the molecular weight in grams. A mole of carbon-12 atoms has a mass of just 12 g. How many Atoms is that??? 1 mole = 6.022 x 1023 atoms Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856) Avogadro's number
Molar Mass Mass of 1 mole of an element or compound. Atomic mass tells the... atomic mass units per atom (amu) grams per mole (g/mol) 1 atom of C = 12.01 amu 1 mol of C = 12.01 g Round to 2 decimal places
Molar Mass Examples lithium aluminum zinc 6.94 g/mol 26.98 g/mol
Molar Conversion Examples How many grams of iron are in 2.25 mol of iron? 2.25 mol Fe 55.85 g Fe 1 mol Fe = 126 g Fe
Molar Conversion Examples How many moles of calcium are in 5.0 g of calcium? 5.0 g Ca 1 mol Ca 40.08 g Ca = 0.12 mol Ca
1 mole of Na is the number of atoms in 22.9898g Examples 1 mole of Na is the number of atoms in 22.9898g 22.9898g is the molar mass 1 mole H2O is the number of molecules in 18.015 g H2O 1 mole H2 is the number of molecules in 2.016 g H2. Practice: How many atoms are in 1 mol of H? What is the mass of 1 mol of H? How many atoms are in 2 mole of H? What is the mass of 2 mol of H?
More Practice: Convert 589 g of Au to moles. Convert 344 grams of Fe to moles. What is the mass of 3 moles of KOH?
Mole Day is October 23rd!