The invention of the x-ray machines!! X-ray technology was invented completely by accident, by a German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen when he was experimenting with electron beams in a discharge tube he noticed that a fluorescent screen in his lab glowed when the beam was turned on. So he put his hand in front of the beam and he noticed the silhouette of his bones on the screen.
How it works! An x-ray machine is like a camera but instead of using visible light it uses x-rays which are both electromagnetic waves. They are also stronger than light which makes them able to penetrate many different materials When the x-rays hit the film it acts just like light would since bones, tissue, muscles, and tumors absorb x-rays to a certain degree they all show up on the screen at certain clarities
What it looks like… An x-ray just simply lets you look at bones, tissue, muscles without directly touches, cutting your body. It lets you see broken bones torn muscles and ligaments with ease.