™ and the V olunteer I mpact P rogram Richard Saunders Technology Consultant Gaia ICT, LLC
What is Salesforce?
Salesforce CRM and
Salesforce CRM + Apps Salesforce enables a single database solution that can deliver a true 360 degree view of your constituents And many more…
Implementation Options Salesforce CRM vs. Salesforce Nonprofit Starter Pack Customization options – On your own -> need to have/obtain admin expertise – With a volunteer -> need to have/obtain admin expertise – Consultant -> Higher cost but will more closely meet your requirements
Flexibility vs. Cost
Demos How ESCWa uses Salesforce to track its volunteers Basic volunteer management included in NPower Seattle’s NPowerforce app Other examples of Volunteering applications
Functionality Adding records Adding fields Scheduling shifts Skills search General search Reports Exporting
Issues Data security Backups Licensing/Number of users Permission levels Modifying/customizing the database
Questions How are duplicate entries corrected? Can you import data easily? Is there a limit to the number of records the system can take? How stable is the company that makes it? Is there a users discussion forum?
Prepare and Plan Build your team Define and prioritize your goals Define your process Map your process to Salesforce CRM functionality Define the reports you need Train your administrator Communicate with your users
How to get started?