Services provided locally and partnership working
–Our Vision
________________________________________________________________________________________ Our Mission We will: change the face of dementia research demonstrate best practice in dementia care and support provide the best advice and support to anyone dealing with dementia influence the state and society to enable those affected by dementia to live as they wish to live. By pursuing these four goals together we'll mobilise thousands of people. With them we'll reduce the impact of dementia on lives today and create a world without dementia tomorrow.
Aneurin Bevan figures on Dementia Younger people (2012) 150 People over age of 65 (2012) 7,234
Befriending Face to face befriending Group befriending Information & Outreach Information Provision Memory Clinic Carer Support Groups Awareness Raising Services/activities Craft Club Singing for the Brain Life story work Memory Café Activity Group Statutory Services Links with ASDIT CPN’s Social Workers Memory Clinic Person Centred services for people with dementia and carers Signposting Other agencies Younger people with dementia Befriending Outings/Events Memory Café’s Social Groups Advocacy Continuous Referral through all services Dementia Outreach Services (Delivered by trained staff)
Befriending Project: The kind of support and activities we provide is as varied as each individual we support. Our aim is to promote social inclusion reduce isolation and encourage people to remain as independent as possible. However the Befriending Service we provide is not a sitting service.
Befriending Project- Caerphilly Borough We have five befrienders working on this project to provide weekly or fortnightly support to the service users whilst also allowing some respite for their carers. We provide 70 hours befriending per week. We currently provide befriending support to 25 people living with dementia, 12 of which are under the age of 65. The range of people we support extends from 51 to 91 years. With a mix of males and females.
Befriending Project – Blaenau Gwent The are currently 23 people in Blaenau Gwent that are being befriended. We have 3 befrienders covering this area with approximately 56 hours of befriending taking place per week, this includes befriending younger people with dementia also. Befriending is typically for 2 hours per week per client and this is the same befriender each week.
Befriending Project: Community Activities include: Walking, Visiting places of interest (garden centres, exhibitions, museums, shopping, cafes, pub lunches, bowling, cinema, community events). Home Based Activities include: Reminiscence work (looking at photographs, scrap booking). When individuals are more advanced in their illness non verbal interaction is used such as use of tactile materials, musical instruments and visual stimulation. Crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, board games etc.
Thank you Janet Bloor (Caerphilly) Sara Pardoe (Blaenau Gwent) ________________________________________________________________________________________