Worcestershire Obesity Plan
Context: Health and Well-being Board priorities Relevant across age groups to large numbers of people; Related to major causes of illness and death, and requiring major health and social care spend; Requiring transformational change to improve outcomes; Requiring strong leadership, and co-ordinated action across organisations and wider society to achieve change. 2
115,900 adults in Worcs. obese; 162,433 adults are overweight; Over 50% of our adult population.
Cardiovascular diseases Type 2 diabetes Musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis) Some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon) Reproductive & urological problems Respiratory disease Gastrointestinal and liver disease Psychological & social issues
5 Headlines from the Obesity Needs Assessment Adults Bulls-eye of Obesity Interventions Number who achieved 10% weight loss Number who achieved 5% weight loss Number who started an intervention during 2009/12 Estimated Number of Obese Adults 2006/08 115,990 7,444 1,
Scale of Childhood Obesity in Worcestershire 11,357 obese 5 – 14 years; 9,422 overweight. 1 in 4 start school overweight or obese; a third by year 6.
Childhood Obesity Adult obesity Premature death and disability in adulthood Respiratory disease Fractures Hypertension Early markers of cardiovascular disease Insulin resistance Psychological effects
9 Headlines from the Obesity Needs Assessment Number of Children who completed 14- week FRESH programme Number of Children who engaged a 6-week intervention via FRESH Number of School Pupils who received the FRESH taster session* Estimated Number of Obese Children Estimated Number of Obese and/or Overweight Children 20,779 11, ,908 Children’s Bulls-eye of Obesity Interventions *This was delivered in conjunction with the National Child Measurement Programme
Aim A: empowering individuals to take responsibility for their own and their families diet and physical activity habits: Deliver a programme of targeted social marketing campaigns; Focus on information for pregnant women and new parents; Skills development among at risk groups; Increased access to entry level physical activity; Scale up training for front line staff to deliver brief interventions. 10
Aim B: tackling the obesogenic environment Work with planners to develop a core evidence base on physical activity, food, and health; Work with transport departments to ensure active travel is prioritised across the County; Develop HIA for use in all types of Council decision- making; Work with local businesses to increase sign-up to the Responsibility Deal; Work with schools to increase physical activity levels of children; Work with institutional settings to improve nutritional content of food. 11
Aim C: developing a healthy workforce Increase number of local businesses signed up to Worcestershire Works Well; Work with local employers to improve nutritional content of food served in canteens; Undertake a programme to increase physical activity levels of staff of large public sector organisations; Support development of flexible working and facilitation of physical activity within the working day. 12
Aim D: developing robust care pathways Review current care pathways for obese adults and children; Ensure routine health interventions robustly address obesity, diet, and physical activity; Scale up delivery of brief interventions, and sign- posting across all agencies, including social care and VCS. 13
Next steps Forming an Obesity Action Group to develop a detailed operational plan; report to Board 13/14; Plan to have clear line of accountability and a timescale for implementation; Progress to be measured through HWB Strategy indicators such as b/f rates, childhood obesity, and physical activity; Shaping a new approach to obesity based on personal responsibility; creating a healthy environment including in the workplace; and having robust treatment for those who need it. 14