Natural selection in Libraryland – the changing landscape of the University Library North South Conference Belfast 20 April 2012
The research library Vanishing into oblivion...or soaring to new heights? In other words We fly...or we die!
“Librarians” – An Endangered Species?
The old way The BIGGER the better
The way ahead Fit for the future
Association of Research Libraries
Libraries of the Future
Feed me now! Survival in Libraryland depends on effective knowledge transfer...right stuff, in time, on demand ever more personalised services
RLUK Strategic Plan Redefining the research library model Collaborating to reduce costs and improve quality Shaping ethical and effective publishing Promoting unique and distinctive collections Modelling the library role in research data management
Redefining the research library model Physical collections are shrinking Library as publisher Manipulation of information resources
Collaborating to reduce costs and improve quality United Kingdom Research Reserve (UKRR) Shared cataloguing (yet again!)
Shaping ethical and effective publishing Scholarly communications are changing Journal costs spiralling Monographs at risk But new publishing models emerging
Promoting unique and distinctive collections Collaborative digitisation Resource discovery Promoting access
The library’s role in research data management Uniquely complex network of metadata Institutional, national and international initiatives
So in practical terms... Space Stuff Staff
The future Today’s research library model is obsolescent but The research library of tomorrow can and will support evolving models of scholarly communications
not Doing things differently rather Doing different things
Debby Shorley Director of Library Services Imperial College London
RLUK UKRR ARL LOTF Imperial College Library