get serious about social #seriousaboutsocial
brands like HP and Sephora reap multi-millions per year in benefits from social 10x more BeautyTalk community members spend than average customers #seriousaboutsocial $7mm in savings by launching the customer community
Facebook isn’t how they do it of fans return to the facebook brand page 2 2% of brand posts make it to fans’ news feeds 3 17% of fans find brand messaging annoying on FB 60% 1: Ad Age, quoting Ehrenberg-Bass Institute study, 2012 >> 2: AdWeek, quoting Networked Insights study, 2011 >> 3: Mashable, quoting Facebook, 2011 >> of fans mention the brand on facebook 1.5% #seriousaboutsocial
top social brands use social for big things—serious things $6.8mm in savings per year from social support 3mm social customers resolve issues for customers per month #seriousaboutsocial
think: higher customer satisfaction, greater loyalty, reduced support costs & increased revenue 100% of customer service is handled by the community— in an average of 90 seconds $10mm Decreased complaints and increased retention— annualized benefits of over #seriousaboutsocial
here’s how to get in the game in 2013… social media can be a game-changer but only for the serious #seriousaboutsocial
1.follow your head, not the herd you’ve got fans… now what? only.5% of fans ever mention the brand they like on Facebook Just 2% of fans return to Facebook brand pages a second time. Don’t let your social strategy stop at Facebook—you’ll totally miss the boat. #seriousaboutsocial
2. own it, don’t outsource it only 9% of consumers say they’ve heard from a brand after tweeting about them 40% say they want more engagement from brands online There’s a huge engagement gap on public social networks. You’ve got to own the social customer experience on your own domain. #seriousaboutsocial
3. get out of the silo, get into a strategy only 11% of social media professionals say social strategy is guided by insights from other business groups 54% say they lack a comprehensive customer experience strategy Get others involved—across marketing, support and sales—to drive social customer experience to the strategic level. #seriousaboutsocial
Experimentation is great. Endless experimentation is foolish and cowardly. We now live in a social customer experience economy. If you don’t embrace it, your competitors will. 4. stop dabbling, commit 63% of consumers search for help from other customers online just 9% of brands think they do #seriousaboutsocial
5. drop the fluffy metrics The giffgaff customer community provides 100% of customer service —in an average of 90 seconds Reach, buzz, likes, comments, high fives— what do they really mean for your business? Not much. Think: reduced costs, greater satisfaction, increased revenue. #seriousaboutsocial BskyB BSkyB pushed customer satisfaction up to 87% since introducing social interactions across multiple platforms
6. don’t campaign, sustain skype community members help over 3mm customers per month and resolve 70% of cases on first contact. A single Twitter campaign can create an ocean of comments. No way can you scale internal teams to meet the demands of today’s social customers. Enable social customers to help each other and build sustainable social programs that deliver real value. #seriousaboutsocial Cisco reduced resolution time by 32% and saved $7mm by launching the customer community
get serious about social Why Facebook Shouldn't Be the Center of Your Social Strategy Online Community - The Heart of Social Strategy Making Social the Way You Do Business Social Business Advantage Nailing Social Media ROI The Social Customer Experience - What it Means, Why it Matters The Changing Dynamics of Customer Care get serious about social resources: #seriousaboutsocial