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Presentation transcript:



WHAT ARE VOLCANOES? A volcano is a vent or chimney which expels magma from beneath the Earth’s crust to the Earth's surface. Eruptions occur when a build up of pressure from under the mantle breaks through the Earth’s surface. Volcanoes are commonly found at the meeting place of two tectonic plates. These plates frequently move between each other, causing volcanic activity.

TYPES OF VOLCANOES The tectonic plate movement influences the type of volcano to be formed, including its shape. CINDER CONE – “Classic volcano”. Bowl shaped crater made of ash from previous eruptions. Found near strata volcanoes SHIELD – Large in size. Formed by consecutive lava flows. Can have violent and non violent eruptions. STRATA (COMPOSITE) – Layers of volcanic ash and lava, which creates a peak and steep tops. Always have violent eruptions

FAMOUS VOLCANOES Mount Saint Helens – USA Kilauea – Hawaii Mt Etna – Sicily Mt Vesuvius – Italy Krakatau – Indonesia Mount Pelée – Martinique Mauna Loa - Hawaii


DID YOU KNOW? Australia has 70+ volcanic locations, most of which are home to extinct volcanoes. Volcanoes at Heard Island and McDonald Islands are dormant, and still display levels of regular activity. Victoria is home to several dormant volcanoes, some of which have the potential to erupt.

Image: Mt Etna eruption. In groups of 4, research the volcano assigned to you. Include the following information: Where they are located? Type of volcano? Is it active or dormant? How long has your volcano been dormant for? How many eruptions have occurred? Collectively create a PowerPoint slide. Using Youtube, locate an informational video on volcanoes to include in your PowerPoint. An image of a volcano must also be included. The information will be presented to the class at the end of the time period. One member of each group will need to present the information. You have 15 minutes to complete this task