WHERE DID DEMONS COME FROM? Earth’s First King, A Kingdom in Conflict Series Pastor Sam Moyd / ZOE Embassy Chief Ambassador.


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Presentation transcript:

WHERE DID DEMONS COME FROM? Earth’s First King, A Kingdom in Conflict Series Pastor Sam Moyd / ZOE Embassy Chief Ambassador

Where Did Demons Come From? Lucifer Ruled over the Earth from the Garden of Eden Gen.1:1, Ez.31:6-, Isa.14:12- Lucifer invaded Heaven to dethrone God: Isa.14:12- Lucifer was cast out of Heaven to the earth along with 1/3 of the Angels. Luke 10:15-24 Lucifer convinced the world to follow him in his revolt. Gen.1:2 Lucifer caused the world to be destroyed in his fall from heaven. Jere.4:23- The angels that fell with Lucifer was bound in the abyss. 2Pet.2:4-6, 1Pet.3:19-20, Jud.1:6-7

Where Did Demons Come From? If the Angels that fell with Lucifer was bound in the bottomless pit, then where did the demons come from? 2Peter 3:6-7, That is a good question! We will spend the rest of this lesson exploring the Bible for the answers to this most important question. The things I will submit in this lesson is for you to be the judge over the facts. You are under no obligation to believe what I say about this matter.

Where Did Demons Come From? We will let the Word of God speak for it self. This information for most Christians may be hard to believe, because they have not heard it taught in the church before. If you are not up on the subject, then you will have a tendency to be down on it. I ask you to keep an open mind and let the Spirit of God reveal the truth to you on this subject.

THREE CLASSES OF FALLEN ANGELS CLASS-1: Lucifer was cast out of Heaven to the earth along with 1/3 of the Angels. Luke 10:15-24, Rev.12:3-, 2 Peter 3:6-7 CLASS-2: Angels Fall during the flood of Noah. 2Peter 2:4-5, 1Peter 3:19-20, Jude 1:6-7, Gen.6:1 Also known as “Watchers” Dan.4:13,17,23 CLASS-3: Angels Fall after the flood of Noah. Gen.6:1

WHAT WAS THE ANGEL’S SIN? CLASS-1: Rebellion against the plan of God. CLASS-2&3: Sex with the women which produced giants in the earth, according to Gen.6:1- and 2 Peter 2:4-5, Jude 1:6-7, 1 Cor.11:10 Gen.6:1 “Sons of God” Angels according to Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:4-7

ANGELS CAN COME AS HUMANS Two Angels came to Abraham Gen.18:2 Two Angels came to Lot Gen.19:1,5 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for some have entertained angels unawares. Heb.13:2

Where Did Demons Come From? The demons are the beings from the pre- adamite race that was on the earth during the time of Lucifers fall. Gen.1:2, Gen.1:28, Gen.9:1, 2 Peter 3:4-7 Also some believe that the Giants that was in the days of Noah, their spirits are the demons of today too, since the bible don’t say they were bound, their physical bodies perished in the flood.

Giants found in the word of God Giants hight. Num.13:33, Deut.2:4 AKA Emims, Anak, Anakims Deut.2:10-23 Zamzummims, Avims Some 60 – 70 Cities of the Giants we destroyed by Moses. Deut. 3:3-6,11